be strong, whereas those with a human operator should not be excessive, but
sensible. The latter should imply the principles of human engineering.
Analogue »| Digital
Components | Components
qe Operator [“
figure 1
basic components with interactions
The systems under consideration are provided with several channels for
communication with human operator. The communication is bi-directional
with each main component. The physical nature of signals is optical, mechani-
cal, electrical and audial.
The communication links with a photogrammetric instrument are
provided by: observation system (sometimes supplemented by a separate
location indicator), driving agents, means for orientation, various switches
and alarm system. Operator may communicate with a computer via control
console, a separate keyboard, teletype, tape/card reader, and various display
The analogue and digital components of a system are linked by means
of A/D (analogue to digital) or D/A (digital to analogue) interfaces, or both
may be connected into digital servomechanisms.
In different stages of a system operation different interactions are
involved. Those active in preparation stage and in post-processing stage are
not time constrained. Others have a real-time or a nearly real-time character-
istic. Operator's functions in real-time operation should be adapted to his
physiological limitations (i.e. time perception and response thresholds).
An overall system configuration of a computer supported conventional
instrument is represented in figure 2. Not all of these components and/or
interactions are present in any system. Some of the connection with the
computer represent alternative cases.