Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 3)

Apolynomial allowing coordinate variations due to this model will therefore be in terms of 
image coordinates (inc.luding an approximation for panoramic distortion): 
dx; - (a, + ze) + ( o + ze,) x + 
+ (ze, + a,) x1? + 
t aix! 4 a!'y! t a!x!y!. € ain!” + aixi^y - 
o i ei i i. 1 
1 2 4^1 5^1 
2 2 
= ' ' 1 ' 1 1 1 ' 1 t 1 1 
= b + b xi + boys + b Xii + b'x! + i I wb 
° 1 3 4*i evi 
b, ; 
ty! 1 Var À: 01^ 
* hoy) RX: Bx a yi 
Or.in ground representation (with panoramic distortion corrected): 
dx, = (aj + ze ) + (a, + ze, ) xi (a, + ze,) f+ fy, + 
2 2 2 
1 1 = 1 ' 1 ' ' 1 1 1 1 1 
+ foxy, + foxi Yyı o0! to!x! tc xi + e173 + Cc XiYi tooixi^y 
i o 1-4 2 4 i Bii 

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