/79/ E.Skiff
"Analytic Treatment of
Strip and Pan Photos"
/80/ D.Steiner
"Towards Earth Resources Satellites:
The American ERTS and Skylab Prog-ams"
Photogrammetria 1971,pp 211-251
/81/ D.Steiner
"Digital Gecmetric Picture Correcticn
Using a Piecewise Zero-Order
Remote Sensing of Environment 1974,
pp 261-285
f82/ J.Teylor
"Rectification Egnatious for
Infrared Line-Scan-Imagery"
Comm.IV,ISP Symposium
ITC Series A 50,pp 178-194
/85/ J.C.Trinder & S.U.Nasca
"Tests on the Mapping Application
Landsat Imagery"
Commission III,ISP Congress 1276,
/84/ P.Wood
"Computer Technigues for the
Photogrammetric Correction of
Data from Line-Scanning
ASP Faïl Meeting 1971,San Francisco
/85/ K. Wong
"Fidelity of Space T.V."
Phot.Eng.1970,No 5
/86/ K.W.Wong
"Geometric & Cartographic
Accuracy of ERTS-1 Imagery"
/87/ S.Wu
"Stereomapping with the Viking Lander
Camera Imagery"
ISP Congress 1976,Helsinki,Comm.III
/88/ K.Yoritomo
"Methods and Instruments for the
Restitution of Radar Pictures"
"Comm.II,ISP Congress,Ottawa 1972