Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 3)

flying velocity along the Strip, these sensors were assumed to introduce 
auxiliary observational equations of the form 
- 0 = e. ° ve " ( .. + ° co 2 II set .... 
bei e Var; * opt ay Tis Fa, dn 2 T; + Gay COs 5 127 
(ad Mate” (observed. (residual. Ae. # 
value) value) Error Model 
E ‘ HC 
CT 77 Age Vy! D4 50h, pot b 455 * b, 4n E Tyg * b, ; cos i Ug 
(adjusted (observed ( residhal) un S J 
value) value) Erron Model 
2 2 
hs; - hy + = Yh, à + Cog + Ciuj + eH 
(adjusted (observed (residhal) —— pen d 
value) value) Error Model 
in which 
EE M) = latitude, longitude and height of jth exposure 
on {th strip; 
Tz;4 * t;;-t;g = time of exposure 1j relative to time t- 
vj 1g “10 : ; ; : VO 
arbitrarily adopted to index Zth strip; 
P = 
Shuler Period (approximately 84 minutes); 
Gro) tus Med ; ; ; 
0250125025, «*- error coefficients of inertial navigator 
prt an (a's and b's) and of statoscope (C's) 
CoZ, Cig5 Cod» : EM T ? 
The coefficients of the error model of the inertial sensor were chosen to 
reflect the unknown dominant linear drift of the navigational error as modu- 
lated by the Schuler period, and the coefficients of the error model for the 
statoscope were chosen to reflect the unknown but slowly varying departure 
of the adopted isobaric surface from the reference spheroid along the course 
of the {th strip. Each of the error coefficients was considered to be 
subject to appropriate apriori constraints governed by prespecified covariance 
The specialization of the development of Brown, Davis, Johnson 
(1964) to apply to the particular set of auxiliary sensors considered above 
leads ultimately to a banded-bordered system of normal equations with the 
border accommodating the parameters of the auxiliary sensors. As formulated, 
a fresh set of error parameters could be introduced for each strip or for 
specified sub-blocks, in which case the border itself would assume a 
patterned structure subject to special exploitation. 
The general development of Brown, Davis, Johnson (1964) consti- 
tutes in its broadest form the theory of self-calibration of photogrammetric 
Systems embracing auxiliary sensors affected by possible systematic errors 
governed. by error models of known functional form and having error 

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