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radial distortion resulting from the process of self-calibration should have
ideally been insignificantly different from zero. Instead, these coef-
ficients alone yielded corrections amounting to a-difficult-to-accept
value of 30um at a radial distance of 140mm. Moreover, it turned out
that these coefficients could not be suppressed in repetitions of the
bundle adjustment without severely degrading the results. Therefore, the
effects had to be regarded as having a real physical basis. To explain
the phenomenon the following hypothesis emerged. The results could be
attributed to an actual physical change in the lens itself due to the
extreme coldness of the air outside the airplane at the average flying
altitude of 6000 meters above mean sea level (over Vermont in mid May).
This resulted in a pronounced temperature gradient between the front and
rear elements of the lens, thus altering the distortion of the lens to the
value recovered by the bundle adjustment with self-calibration. The large
diameters of the front and rear elements of the super wide angle lens
tended to support the plausibility of the argument. At the time, the
writer was quite satisfied with the thermal gradient hypothesis. However,
it was incorrect, as the consequences of the project in Atlanta were
subsequently to establish.
In March 1975 a small block of 28 photos in 4 strips was flown
over the City of Atlanta in a pilot project to test the practicability of
photogrammetric densification of geodetic nets in an urban environment.
Atlanta is heavily wooded in residential areas and is quite hilly, thus.
making it a rather dubious candidate for photography taken by a super wide
angle camera. Nonetheless, the same Zeiss RMKA 8.5/23 camera as was used
in the Vermont Project was also used in the Atlanta Project, one specific
objective of the test being to determine the operational suitability of
the super wide angle camera in urban applications to densification. The
choice of the super wide angle mapping camera (f=85mm), rather than the
more conventional wide angle mapping camera (f=150mm), was governed by
the following well-known considerations. When both cameras are flown at
the same scale, they yield essentially equivalent accuracies in planimetry.
However, because of its more favorable base/height ratio, the super wide
angle camera can theoretically be expected to produce heights that are
nearly twice as accurate as those produced by a wide angle mapping camera.
This means that once the accuracy for height has been specified, a wide
angle camera must be flown at twice the scale as a super wide angle mapping
camera in order to produce equivalent accuracies in height; this in turn
means that the photographic block generated by the former will contain four
times as many photos as the block generated by the latter. Accordingly, in
theory at least, the super wide angle camera enjoys an enormous potential
economic advantage over the normal wide angle camera. The problem has been
that the theoretical advantage of the super wide angle camera seems rarely,
if ever, to have been realized in practice. Investigations reported in
Ackermann (1974a) indicate vertical accuracies of the super wide angle camera
actually to be inferior to those of the wide angle camera for photography
.Of the same scale. Presumably, this shortfall is attributable to systematic
errors that, hopefully, could be removed by the process of self-calibration.
Another objective of the Atlanta Project, then, was to establish whether or
not this is the case.
The Atlanta Project was a joint effort of DBA Systems and
Airborne Data Inc. in conjunction with the City of Atlanta and the Georgia
Department of Transportation (DOT) all operating under the auspices of the