Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 3)

case this is the evaluation of black and white reproductions of 
intensity information in the visible spectrum or any other wave 
band. The pixel oriented feature vector then consists of one 
component representing a range of grey levels. But there are 
only very simple problems, which can be solved in this easy way 
(perhaps the separation of water from land in the near infra- 
red wave band). 
An extension of this method can be achieved by the combined com- 
putation of more than one wave band (channel). Now the feature 
vector assigned to the pixel is of fixed length according to 
the number of channels used. Each component refers to a distinct 
range of grey levels in the corresponding wave band. The question 
how many channels in which parts of the spectrum should be used 
depends on the problem and the system capacity and is in gene- 
ral not yet solved. 
The implemented systems for multispectral analysis often use 
3to 4 wave bands. But there are also sensor Systems, which re- 
cord up to 12 or 24 channels. In many applications this high 
quantity of spectral information cannot be fully utilized by 
multispectral analysis. The merit of a great number of Qifrevens 
wave bands has to be compared with the increase in the processing 
costs for feature extraction, especially because the amount of 
redundancy is growing with the number of channels used and the pro- 
fit of accuracy may not justify the essential higher expense of 
computation time and storage. On the other hand the selection of 
a subset of channels may include a loss of significant informa- 
The concentration of the nonredundant information in the multi- 
spectral densities of different wave bands can be achieved by 
applying a density transformation. Multispectral data is inhe- 
rently strongly correlated and tends to distribute itself with 
an elongated shape in the n-dimensional space of different chan- 
nels. Therefore, the greatest majority of data variability may 
be concentrated on a small number of axes and a technique of 
- 18 - 
principal components transformation appears to yield excellent 
results. Such a transformation is known as Karhunen-Loeve's 
orthogonal expansion, employed in data compression /25, 26/. 
It consists of defining a new coordinate system, obtained by 
a linear combination of the original coordinates, referred to as 
transformation in the direction of principle components. 
For density transformation the procedure is as follows: the first 
axis is chosen as to be oriented along the largest dispersion 
range; the next axis is chosen perpend icularly to the first 
and again along a direction of the next largest dispersion range, 
and so forth. 
In figure 19 the eigenvalues of an actual 12-channel multispec- 
tral data set are Shown. In this case an eigenvalue is an indi- 
cator of the relative range of the data after pricipal components 
tranformation. Even though there have been 12 channels before 
transformation only three principal values have a sufficiently 
wide range as to yield a real information contribution. The range 
in these signif icant Principal components is essentially greater 
than the range in the original spectral bands and therefore in- 
cludes greater potential for resolution and contrast. 
The possibility to gain features by evaluation of isolated pixels 
is very limited. Extensive information can be computed from the 
intensity distribution within a neighbourhood of the pixel being 
regarded. This can be done by a local transformation of the ori- 
ginal or preprocessed data, whereby this transformation may be 
understood as a Preprocessing step itself. In this case the two- 
dimensional grey level image will be transformed into a matrix 
of the same dimension and Size, where the elements e.g. repre- 
sent contour information, which can be brought into relation 
with the corresponding pixel in the original image. 
The extraction of Such contour information can be accomplished 
in different Ways. One of the most primitive methods is the two- 
dimensional differentiation of an image. For each pixel the pro- 

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