the midpoint of the squarewave the third, seventh, etc., harmonics
subtract from the fundamental, whereas the fifth, ninth, etc.,
add to it. In general, the amplitude of the sinewaves is less
in the image than in the object, the increasing attenuation as
a function of spatial frequency being expressed by the MTF. Depen-
ding on the extent to which the harmonics are attenuated, the edges
of the imaged squarewave are more or less rounded off, and eventually
a pure sinewave is left. If the PTF remains zero over the whole
frequency range, the rounding-off is symmetrical. If the PTF is
finite but increases linearly with frequency, the rounding off
is still symmetrical but the image moves as a whole with reference
to a fixed coordinate, which could be, for example, the Gaussian
image position. This movement is photogrammetric "distortion."
The linear phase shift means that all component frequencies are
moved laterally by a number of cycles proportional to frequency,
hence there is no relative phase shift. A large distortion corresponds
to a steeper slope on the linear PTF, and vice versa. In principle,
a large distortion can co-exist with a symmetrical spread function,
the symmetry of the latter accounting for the zero relative phase
shift between frequencies. If the spread function is unsymmetrical,
due for example to comatic aberration, then the PTF will exhibit
non-linearity of a kind and degree depending on the spread function
shape. Thus, in the squarewave image, the rounding-off could be
accompanied by an unsymmetrical effect due to the relative phase
shift between the fundamental and harmonic frequencies.
An unsymmetrical spread function can co-exist with photogrammetric
distortion, which is equivalent to saying that the PTF has linear
and non-linear components; the linear part, which in the present
sense is irrelevant, can be moved by subtraction, leaving the non-
linearity which distorts the image shape as distinct from its position.
The subtraction is equivalent to making a change of coordinate
origin relative to the actual image.
In general, the shape of an image cannot be significantly
distorted by an unsymmetrical spread function unless it is small
enough that its outlines are already significantly blurred. In
OTF terms, the nonlinearity of the PTF cannot be very important
unless the MIF has already fallen significantly. In photogrammetric
images, the sinewave components of the optical image are further
attenuated by the MTF of the emulsion, whose spread function is
inherently symmetrical (no phase shift). Thus, any unsymmetrical
blurring due to the lens will be less evident in the photographic
The MIF alone is a good guide to the definition of a lens,
though it is incomplete, and for sophisticated image calculations
the PTF also is required. The PTF alone conveys no useful informa-
tion for aerial photography or photogrammetry. Since the PTF is
more difficult to measure than the MTF, the common practice of
reporting the MIF alone is justified.