Hopkins suggests specific short-cuts in testing in accor-
dance with application. He also emphasizes the need for computer
tie-in which directly acquires, reduces, and analyzes data.
Without the computer, the old reliable eyeball method of examining
an infinite point source will be quicker and more informative
for the optical designer and the shop technician.
The major importance of OTF testing is that the distri-
bution of light in the images may be both calculated and measured,
making quality comparison between predictions and results possible.
The lenses, however, need to be tested in ways similar to the
methods used in lens designs so that the designers can receive
accurate information on the consequences of their assigned tolerances.
The use of various short-cuts, with computers directly connected
with the optical bench and evaluation by an agreed FOM will
then make OTF testing feasible and optically informative.
5.9.7 Itek Corporation Use of MIF/4,75
Itek employs various image analysis techniques in both
design and testing of optical systems. In specific computerized
calculations of the lens, MTF permits the prediction of image
quality for the most general cases of field angle, target orienta-
tion, spectral response, and detector characterisitics. Computer
programs are thus used to determine the performance of both photo-
graphic and electro-optical systems at various stages from design
to operational.
In the design phase the lens MTF or lens modulation
at particular spatial frequencies, are often specified as the
design criteria. The complexity of the lens form and the degree
of design optimization is thus driven by MIF requirements. In
the design optimization, the monochromatic and polychromatic
aberrations are balanced across the fíeld of view depending upon
their effect on the MIF.
In the static hardware phase the fabrication, assembly,
and test specifications are also often specified as an allowable
degradation of the nominal lens MIF. For these lenses, an error
budget is generated based on a calculated change in MTF for each
parameter in the lens to be toleranced. The more common practice
is to correlate the MTF degradation to a wavefront error, since
it is a more easily measured quantity, and generate a wavefront
error budget. Verification that a lens system has achieved the
specified MTF is accomplished by measuring the wavefront errors