Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 3)

The source characteristics are discussed relative to coherence: 
the detector-slit assembly is analyzed for collection and noise. 
Corrections are made for the slit and collimator aperature, time 
constant, sample rate and truncation errors. 'Best' focus for the 
Bolocon lens was determined by plotting the spread function on an 
X-Y recorder at various focal positions, and picking that point at 
which the spread function was narrowest. 
MIF values are plotted for 0°, 5°, and 9° for horizonal and 
vertical scans. 
Hinebaugh concludes that MIF measurements can be made on 
infrared lenses and itemizes the problems involved in testing. 
(The paper is best consulted for details.) Plans for upgrading 
the facility with on-line, real-time data acquisition will enable 
orders of magnitude more data to be processed in a considerably 
shorter time, providing more thorough and accurate MIF measurement. 

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