Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 4)

Future trends 
Looking into the immediate future, the 
French authors expect that both projection and 
optical-mechanical plotters will be equipped 
with digital acquisition systems. Plotters will 
be grouped in series and work in a time-sharing 
mode. For long-term development, analytical 
plotters will be used more and more, and the 
tendency will be toward completely digital 
mapping systems, undoubtedly increasing car- 
tographic productivity. However, managers 
will have to find and train personnel to man 
the automated systems. 
Digital photomap 
In an article by a Japanese author (Kamiya, 
1972) the concept of the digital photomap was 
introduced, consisting of a pair of photographs 
on which planimetric distances and elevations 
on the ground are indicated digitally. It was 
proposed as a substitute topographic map for 
civil engineering design. The steps in produ- 
cing a digital photomap are : 
1. Comparator and computer are used for 
aerotriangulation to obtain the orientation ele- 
2. Photogrammetric plotter is used to record 
a grid of point elevations. 
3. Grid coordinates are projected on the pho- 
tograph for measuring photocoordinates. 
4. Automatic plotter is used to plot the pho- 
tocoordinates of the grid points. 
5. A rectifier printer is used to superimpose 
the plotted points on the photographs. 
The author emphasizes the point that by 
putting the digital information directly on the 
photographs the need for a contour map is eli- 
Optimal production of digital terrain models 
Several significant investigations in the Ne- 
therlands have been reported in the I'TC Jour- 
nal. One interesting development (Makarovic, 
1973) is a proposed procedure called « progres- 
sive sampling » for optimized production of di- 
gital terrain models. The procedure is started 
by. measuring heights. on a low-density point 
grid in a stereomodel. The data are analyzed by 
an on-line minicomputer, which in turn gene- 
rates the locations of new points to be sampled 
in the next run. Then the computer stations 
the tracking device accordingly ; the differen- 
tial height setting on each point is controlled 
by either the operator (manual) or the corre- 
lator (automated). The procedure is repeated 
in successive sampling runs until the local den- 
sity of the point grid is matched with the ter- 
rain roughness. 
'The requirements for storage capacity of the 
computer can be substantially reduced by ope- 
rating patchwise. The size of a patch can be 
adapted to the terrain roughness and the speci- 
fied accuracy. It is usually selected to be smal- 
ler than the field of view of the instrument eye- 
piece. In a preliminary test case, coherent sam- 
pling data (regular grid) was shown to be less 
adequate than progressive sampling, too high 
in some areas and too low in others ; 54 unne- 
cessary points were observed, and 113 points 
were missed. In progressive sampling of the 
same area, only one significant point was mis- 
Off-line orthophoto system 
Another proposal (Makarovic, 1973b) con- 
cerns a conceptual off-line electronic orthopho- 
to system. The system would operate in two 
phases, preparation and printing, both of them 
automatable. The choice between optical and 
electronic image transformation is related to 
the model of printing. In the continuous prin- 
ting mode, image transformation need not be 
rigorous because the upper accuracy limit is 
imposed by the dynamic errors. Thus transfor- 
mations, such as simple scale change,. similari- 
ty, and affine, have been used in optical ortho- 
printers. To maintain accuracy during conti- 
nuous scanning, strip widths should be adapta- 
ble. The stationary printing mode, on the other 
hand, entails no dynamic errors and allows for 
larger areas to be printed with more rigorous 
transformation. This is done more effectively 
by electronics because optical means are not sui- 
table for nonlinear transformations. 
In the first phase (preparation) of the pro- 
posed system, the computer generates data to 
control the second phase (printing). From 
DTM data, the elevation of the center of a 

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