Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 4)

verted for x, y digitization by a rack-and-pinion 
rotary optical encoder, an electronic data-dis- 
play console, and a key punch. A software pac- 
kage called TAPS (Texas Automated Plotting 
System) was designed for the following func- 
tions : 
1. Editing and special routines : In addition 
to being edited, the machine x, y data are 
transformed to the ground system. 
2. Storage : Constructs file from edited data 
and stores on disk. 
3. Processing: Either total or selective gra- 
phics for land-use information and classifica- 
tion levels ; variable-scale format for route ana- 
lyses; perimeter and area computation; and 
environmental resource data for corridor access 
A key-punch collection system limits rapid 
editing and reduces the efficiency of the system. 
Therefore, the key-punch collectors are to be 
replaced with multiple automated stations. 
Each station will consist of 3-5 stereoplotters 
with a CRT display and a minicomputer. The 
multiple automated stations will be collected 
into a comprehensive automated information- 
management system. 
Terrain data file for route location 
The Texas Highway Department has also 
combined a numerical ground-image system 
with a roadway-design system (Crawford and 
Guess, 1974) by developing a scan-profile nu- 
merical terrain-storage system and adding to 
the road-design system a cross-section request 
and retrieval system. The scan-profile system 
produces a numerical representation of the ter- 
rain surface from parallel-scan profiles obtained 
by conventional photogrammetric methods. 
Once a data file has been built for the terrain 
surface, it can be used to generate cross sec- 
tions along any specified base line that has been 
previously stored. This system provides the de- 
sign engineer with a means of studying designs 
of alternative locations without cross sectioning 
each proposed alinement or repeatedly cross 
sectioning alinements that are changed. 
Automated rectification 
The Utah Agricultural Stabilization and 
Conservation Service has developed an automa- 
ted system for producing rectified scaled pho- 
tographs (Dickson, 1974). Hardware consists of 
a point-transfer device, an H. Dell Foster mono- 
comparator with digitizer and paper tape, aad 
a NOVA 1200 minicomputer. Software routi- 
nes are image refinement, three-photo relative 
orientation, polynomial block adjustment, sin- 
gle-photo resection, and computation of rectifi- 
cation parameters. An H. Dell Foster autorecti- 
fier uses the parameters directly to produce the 
required prints. Working scales of the obtai- 
ned photography (from 6-, 8 1/4, and 12- inch 
cameras) range from 1:20,000 to 1:40,000. 
Universities and Private Organizations 
Digital image processing and analysis 
A number of excellent articles on digital ima- 
ge processing have been presented by represen- 
tatives of private American companies. In ge- 
neral, these refer to three principal phases: data 
collection (A/D conversion when source is ana- 
log), digital processing (D/A conversion when 
output is analog), and output (Helava et ai, 
1972). The processing phase may include : 
1. Preprocessing, such as noise filtering, en- 
hancement, and coordinate transformation. 
2. Shaping or rectifying to change geome- 
tric shape and remove deformation. 
3. Image matching to identify corresponding 
4. Pattern recognition to classify data. 
The output concerns either dimensional 
characteristics, as in a digital terrain model, or 
pictorial characteristics, as in an orthophoto- 
A study by the Control Data Corporation 
(Lillestrand and Hoyt, 1974) points out that in 
designing a digital image-processing system the 
following conditions should be considered : 
1. Digital size of encoded analog image 
2. Nature of digital image transformation 
3. Requirements for display, both tonal and 
The authors conclude that in accuracy clas- 
sical analog techniques for measuring and gene- 
rating film images are superior. On the other 
hand, they regard digital techniques as supe- 
rior for image processing because of the ability 
to perform complex transformations. The ex- 
ceptions is the Optical Fourier Transforms, 
which are faster than digital transformations. 

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