9. Pattern-recognition systems for automatic
image-data extraction have been developed to
the practical stage.
10. Optical techniques, such as fiber optics,
coherent optical correlation, and optical spec-
trum analysis, provide a potentially valuable
alternative means of automating photogramme-
tric processes.
11. Remote sensing records other than pho-
tographic imagery can be expected to play an
increasing role as input material for automated
12. Materials obtained from LANDSAT,
Skylab, and other space vehicles have a poten-
tial for automated production of small-scale
13. Automated electronic techniques afford
important economies in photolab operation.
14. Automated photogrammetry has many
specific applications in terrain-related enginee-
ring problems.
15. The mapping system of the future can
be envisioned as a completely automated carto-
graphic system in which the entire map is built
by digital and nondigital automatic processes,
with the photogrammetric phase constituting
one element of a comprehensive system.
It is safe to say that of all the automation de-
velopments that have been mentioned, not one
has reached the ultimate stage of economy,
technology, or quality of output (Thompson,
1974). Advances and improvements will conti-
nue, and the state of the art presented here,
describing the most modern and sophisticated
developments, will doubtless be obsolete at the
time of the next International Congress in
1980. We can regard the state of progress with
satisfaction, for the photogrammetric profession
is composed of tireless people who will never
stop working to advance the state of the art.
Bay, C. A., Bright, C.R., and Kerr, D. W., 1975, In-
teractive Radar Image Processing and Interpre-
tation System : Proceedings of the Annual Mee-
ting of ASP, p. 613.
Boulis, R., and Gambino, L., 1975, Defense Mapping
Agency/U.S. Army Engineer Topographic Labo-
ratories STARAN Complex: Sagamore Computer
Bucci, D.A., 1972, Developments in Photogramme-
tric Instrumentation in North America, 1968-72:
Invited paper, Commission II, 12th Congress of
Cartwright, V.W., 1974, Automation in the Photo-
graphic Laboratory : Proceedings of the Annual
Meeting of ASP, p. 461.
Colvocoresses, A.P., 1974, Unique Cartographic Cha-
racteristics of ERTS : Journal of Research of
the U.S. Geological Survey, v. 2, n? 6., p. 763.
Corbett, F.J., 1973, Terrain Recognition in ERTS-1
Imagery by Diffraction Pattern Analysis : Pro-
ceedings of the Fall Convention of ASP, p. 431.
Crawford, W.L., and Guess, R.R., 1974, Numerical
Ground Image System : Texas Highway Dept.,
Report n° 186-2F.
Crawley, B.G., 1974, Automatic Contouring on the
Gestalt Photo Mapper 2-1 : Proceedings of the
Fall Convention of ASP, p. 50.
Danko, J.O., 1973, The Kelsh K-320 Orthoscan-A
New Concept in Orthophotography : Procee-
dings of the Annual Meeting of ASP, p. 279.
Dickson, R.A., 1974, Low-Cost Analytical Aerotrian-
gulation for Rectification of Aerial Photographs:
Proceedings cf the Annual Meeting of ASP,
p. 252.
Dixon, D.G., 1974, The DMAHC Automated Carto-
graphic System : Proceedings of the Fall Con-
vention of ACSM, Dp. 33.
Dorrer, E., and Schwebel, R., 1974, Programme und
Interface fur Rechnergestutzte Analogauswer-
tung : Symposium of Commission IT of ISP, Tu-
rin, April 1974.
Dorrer, E., Lander, E., and Toraskar, K.V., 1974,
Analog-to-Hybrid Stereoplotters : Photogramme-
tric Engineering n° 3, p. 271.
Dubuisson, B., 1972, Contribution of Photogramme-
try to Automated Data Processing : Invited pa-
per, Commission IV, 12th Congress of ISP.
Dubuisson, B., 1975,
n°1, p. 65.
Esten, R.D., 1964, Automatic Photogrammetric Ins-
truments : Invited paper, Commission II, 10th
Congress of ISP.
Automatic Photogrammetric
Photogrammetric Engineering,
Forrest, R.B., and Helava, U.K., 1974, New Photo-
grammetric Research Facility : Proceedings of
the Annual Meeting of ASP, p. 401.
Gambino, L.A., and Crombie, M.A., 1974, Digital
Mapping and Digital Image Processing : Procee-
dings of the Annual Meeting of ASP, p. 99.
Gardiner-Hill, R.C., 1974, The Future of Digital
Mapping in the Ordnance Survey : Proceedings
of the Annual Meeting of ACSM, p. 219.
Greve, C.W., and Cooney, W.A., 1974, The Digital
Rectification of Side Looking Radar: Procee-
dings of the Fall Convention of ASP, p. 19.
Hall D. 1974, Digital Cartographic Compilation :
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ACSM,
p. 248.
Helava, U.V., et al, 1972, Digital Processing and
Analysis of Image Data : Bendix Journal.
Heupel, O., 1974, Automatin in der Datenerfassung
und Datenverarbeitung zur Herstellung groB-
maBstübiger Karten Firmendruckschrift Geo-
meB, Mai 1974.