Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 4)

denzen der Digitalisierung in der Photogrammetrie 
(1974, p. 34 et 94). 
— Króll, F.S. : Digitale Erfassung topographis- 
cher Daten und deren automatische Verarbeitung 
(1974 - p. 87). 
Australie : 
— Central mapping authority, Bathurst, N.S.W: 
Preliminary documentation for a Data Acquisition 
System for six stereoplotters and a X - Y digitiser 
(Nov. 1973). 
— Elfick, M.H. : The development of an inter- 
active data acquisition system for photogrammetry 
(18th Australian Survey Congress - 1975). 
Canada : 
— Mac Leod, M.H. Halbautomatische gross- 
massstübige Kartierung des Ontario Ministry of 
Transportation and Communications (Bildmessung 
und Luftbildwesen 1973, p. 212). 
— Zarzycki, J.M. : The approach to automated 
cartography in Canada (Int. Symp. on computer 
assisted cartog. A.C.S.M., sept. 1975). 
— Masry, S.E.:  Photogrammetric  digitising 
and editing under computer control. (Photogramme- 
tric Record Vol. VII, n? 41). 
— Masry, S.E. : An automatic method for height 
profile determination (Photogrammetric record vol. 
VII n? 42). 
France : 
— Saumonneau, G. Photogrammétrie numéri- 
que et cartographie automatique. Application aux 
grandes échelles (Rapport IGN de mai 1975 et pre- 
miére conférence cartographique régionale des Na- 
tions Unies pour l'Amérique - 
Mexique : 
— Martell, R.T. : Automation and cartography 
at the CETENAL (conv. ASP - ACSM Phoenix. Ar. 
USA - oct. 1975). 
U.R.S.S. : 
— Shulmin, M.V., Bojko, A.V. et Gertsenova, 
K.N. Digital mapping and map making process 
automation. (Symp. Com. IV Paris 1974. Bull. Soc. 
Fr. Ph. n° 57). 
U.S.A. : 
— Roessel, J.W. Digital hypsographic map 
compilation (Ph. Engin. vol 38, n? 11). 
— Wertheimer, A. et Givens, M.P. : Rapid con- 
tour generation (Ph. Engin. vol. 40, n° 4). 
— Sippel, J.J. Automated editing of digital 
graphic data. (Ph. Engin. vol. 41, n° 8). 
— Hanold, J.L. : Mapping and digital informa- 
tion systems (conv. A.S.P. 1972). 
Conv. A.C.S.M. 1972 : 
— Chamard, R.R. 
graphic system. 
— Connelly, 
— Zate, J.F. 
cartographic base. 
: an automated digital carto- 
D.S. File design in automated 
Design of a computer-oriented 
— Soehngen, H.F. : Multi-dimensional Digitizing 
of Photogrammetric Models and Orthophotomaps 
for Automation of Environmental Control Designs. 
(Conv. A.C.S.M. 1973). 
Conv. AS.P. 1974 : 
— Gambino, L.A. et Crombie, M.A. Digital 
Mapping and Associated Digital Image Processing. 
— Howell, T.F. : Implementation of an Automa- 
ted Mapping System. 
— Lillestrand, R.L. et Hoyt, R.R. : The design of 
Washington mars P 
advanced digital image (Ph. Engin. vol. 40, n° 10, 
— Biggin, M.J. 
A.C.S.M. sept. 1974). 
Automated contouring (conv. 
(Mapping with satellites) 
Canada : 
— Stewart, R.A. : Mapping from satellite photo- 
graphy (Surv. Officers conf. paper K2; 1975). 
France : 
— Cazabat, Ch. : Le satellite ERTS 1 - Applica- 
tions à la cartographie traditionnelle à 1 : 1000 000 
et à 1 : 500000 (I.G.N.). 
(Premiére conférence cartographique régionale 
des Nations-Unies pour l'Amérique - Washington - 
mars 1976.) 
— Ducher, G. et Ducloux, J. : Etude sur l'emploi 
de chambres photogrammétriques pour des missions 
de levés terrestres utilisant SPACELAB (contrat 
I.G.N. - ESRO n° SC/68/HQ juin 1975). 
Grande-Bretagne : 
— Sissala, J.E., Sabatini, R.R., Ackermann, H.J.: 
Nimbus Satellite data for polar ice survey. (Polar 
Record, 1972-16 (102).) 
— Mott, P.G. : Mapping from ERTS-I Imagery. 
(Journal of the brit. Interplanetary Society (1973) 
26 (11).) 
Suisse : 
— Kôlbl, O. Combined restitution of aerial 
and satellite photographs for topographical map- 
ing. (Journal of the British Interplanetary Society 
(1973) 26 (II) et Ph. Engin. avril 1974.) 
U.S.A. : Conv. AS.P. 1973 : 
— Benesh, M. Mariner Mars 9 Stereophoto- 
— Resnick, N. : 
ner 9 Photography. 
Controlled Mosaics from Mari- 
— Rogers, R.H. et Reed, L.E. : Automated land- 
use mapping from spacecraft data. (Conv. A.S.P. 
— Wong, K.W. : Geometric and cartographic 
accuracy of ERTS-1 images (Ph. Engin. vol. 41 n? 5). 
— Doyle, FJ. Cartographic utility of space 
photographs. (Symp. Com. IV Paris 1974. Bull. Soc. 
Fr. Ph. n*. 58.) 
— Doyle, FJ. : Space photography in the shuttle 
era (Conv. ASP. - A.C.S.M. - oct. 1975). 
— Doyle, FJ. Cartographic applications of 
satellite imagery (n° R4R Comm. Survey off. Conf. 
— Chapman, W.H. : Gridding of ERTS images 
(Conv. A.C.S.M. sept. 1974). 
— Colvocoresses, A.P. Overall evaluation of 
Skylab images for cartographic applications (Conv. 
AS.P. - A.C.S.M. oct. 1975). 
— Colvocoresses, A.P. Overall evaluation of 
ERTS-1 imagery for cartographic applications (N.A. 
S.A., fin. report juillet 1974). 
8) DIVERS (Miscellaneous) 
Allemagne (R.D.A.) : 
— Schóler, H. : Kompendium Photogrammetrie 
10 (1 volume Akad. Verlagsges. Geest und Portig 
K.G. Leipzig, 1974). 
— Schóler, H. : Quelques indications sur la pla- 
nification des vols de prises de vues pour la tech- 

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