Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 4)

high accuracy. Although it is basically regarded as camera calibration, errors such as af- 
finity and non-perpendicularity of axes of the comparator can be included into the 
model, which means that in effect a calibration of the system is accomplished. 
Calibration provides the link between metric and non-metric cameras, considering 
that I have defined the latter as being cameras whose interior orientation is completely 
or partially unknown and potentially instable!°. Interior orientation, of course, encom- 
passes in this context the basic parameters principal point and principal distance (cali- 
brated focal length or camera constant) as well as radial (symmetric) lens distortion, de- 
centering (frequently considered in form of its components asymmetric and tangential) 
lens distortion, film deformation, and affinity. In addition, non-perpendicularity of the 
comparator axes is included for the system calibration. 
Calibration is commonly carried out in three forms: laboratory, on the job, and self 
ABsTRACT: In this paper a method of self calibration applicable to 
non-metric cameras is presented and discussed in connection with 
various other calibration approaches. The method is extremely gen- 
eral and includes radial symmetric and decentering lens distortions, 
affinity, and non-perpendicularity of axes. Although it provides in- 
terior orientation parameters for each photograph separately, the 
minimum control requirement remains at two horizontal and three 
vertical control points. 
RésuMÉ: Cette étude expose une méthode d'auto-étalonnage des 
chambres non-métriques. Également l’étude délibère sur d’autres 
methodes d’étalonnages. Cette méthode est bien génerale, elle inclus 
la distortion symétrique radiale et de décentrement de l’objectif, 
l’affinité et la non-perpendicularité des axes. Même si cette méthode 
fournit les paramètres de l’orientation intérieure de chaque cliché, la 
quantité minimum de levées demeure deux repères horizontaux et 
trois verticaux. 
ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Im Zusammenhang mit anderen Kalibrierungs- 
methoden wird im vorliegenden Artikel ein Selbstkalibrie- 
rungsverfahren für Amateurkameras erläutert. Der Ansatz des 
Verfahrens ist äusserst generell und berücksichtigt symmetrisch 
und asymmetrisch radiale sowie tangentielle Verzeichnungen, Af- 
finität und Nichtortogonalitat der Achsen. Obleich die Parameter 
der inneren Orientierung für jede Photographie getrennt be- 
rechnet werden, reichen zwei Lage—und drei Höhenpasspunkte 
zur Lösung aus. 
Several types of calibrations appear under this heading, the common fact being that 
calibration is completely separated from object photography. Therefore metric cameras 
are ideally suited for this approach. Besides goniometers, collimator banks, and similar 
arrangements, test areas of various sophistication have been used for laboratory calibra- 
tion as described in the literature (e.g., 278.1518.2122), The mathematical formulation is 
normally based on the collinearity equations, with each object space control point pro- 
viding two equations. As pointed out by Linkwitz!? five control points are required to 
solve for the principal point and principal distance with a slight overdetermination 
(three interior plus six exterior orientation parameters determined with ten equations). 
With the inclusion of additional parameters, the number of object space control points 
has to increase accordingly. The mathematical formulations for laboratory calibration are

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