decide on data rejections or remeasurements
with the full advantage of comparing the digi-
tal results with the observed optical
As a basic rule for formulations and pro-
gramming in on-line analytical systems one
can state that simple and fast computations
are preferable. However, this applies mainly
to the real-time operations where the time
aspects are most critical. Depending on the
type of the computer used, this programming
may be necessary at the lower level language,
such as the assembler, while the other pro-
grams seem to be handled well with higher
level languages like FORTRAN, with the con-
venience of their easier reading and potential
modifications by the user.
The variety of conditions in close-range
photogrammetry requires that an on-line
analytical system be supported by a set of
program modules for formulations fitting all
possible image geometries. The modules
should provide ready-to-use solutions just by
selecting the suitable type. For the recon-
struction phase a more universal and flexible
formulation is needed to accommodate differ-
ent conditions, in the process of the
operator-computer interaction.
In general, two different groups of variables
characterize the image-object relationship in
on-line analytical systems:
- inner geometry [x', d]
- outer geometry [X, g]
Here, vector x' = (x',y')" represents the
image coordinates, d is a vector of distortion
parameters typical of the imaging system, X
— (X,Y,Z) is a vector of object coordinates, and
g is a vector of parameters of exterior orienta-
tion. In a symbol form one can write for the
imaging process
X &d x"
and for the reconstruction process
(sao d) Ee X
After deriving the unknowns g with the use of
suitable control points and with a previous
knowledge of d, one can start the routine in-
tersection of individual model points X from
stereoobservations x', x")
(x', x") dag X (3)
Some or even all of the parameters d can be
considered as unknown and determined to-
gether with g during phase (2); however, in
most instances parameters d are predeter-
mined in separate calibrations.
The imaging process performs a suitable
conversion of data from a three-dimensional
object space into a two-dimensional image
space. This conversion is always achieved by
the use of physical means which represent a
real projecting system. This is true for both
basic modes of instantaneous or sequential
imaging. Depending on the position of the
effective projection center, one can
categorize the projection as central or parallel
(Kratky, 1975b). The imaging rays are consid-
ered as straight lines which can be broken in
the effective projection centers, or in a more
general way as curved lines substituting for
suitable trajectories or flux lines of a physical
field, e.g., in electron microscopy.
To unify the various possibilities one can
always base the photogrammetric reconstruc-
tion on scaled projections using straight lines
derived from corrected image coordinates.
Whenever applicable the corrections should
also include the effect of the original cur-
vilinear projection. This approach yields
x'+c= 1 PTAxX (4)
where c are corrections for image distortions,
p is scale factor which is variable in central
projections and constant in parallel projec-
tions, and AX = (AX,AY,AZ)T are object coor-
dinates reduced with respect to a suitable
reference point. Projection matrix P(3,2) rep-
resents the orientation of the projection bun-
dle or beam in the object coordinate system.
In the central projection, P forms the upper
part of the exterior rotation matrix P for the
photograph, and the reference point for AX is
given by the projection center (Jaksic, 1967).
In the parallel projection matrix P is a product
of a matrix O for oblique parallel projection
and of the rotation matrix P
1:0: £
O = (5)
0 1:79
and (€, n) are parameters of the oblique paral-
lel projection (Kratky, 1975b). Only the left
part of Equation 4 is important for the first
phase of on-line operations as a preparation of
the model reconstruction.
The image distortion is ususally described
by a linear transformation