necessary to perform analyses using error ellipsoids for all points in the photogrammetric
solution. In many applications, the diagonal elements (02, 02, and 02) in the variance-and-
covariance matrix (0) should provide sufficient insight into the mapping accuracy. For cases in
which extremely high accuracy is required, the error ellipsoids for a few carefully selected
points may be computed for analysis.
Largely through the work of A. Boyd at the University College London, significant ad-
vancements have been made in the use of scanning electron microscope (SEM) photographs
for stereoscopic measurement. Boyd has developed an instrument which can be used to plot
contour maps or cross-section profiles from a stereoscopic pair of SEM photographs that have
been taken with a tilt angle difference of 10 degrees. He has also developed an instrument
system for real-time stereoscopic viewing of SEM images®. For the purpose of analytical
computation, Boyd has developed a computer program for computing the three-dimensional
coordinates (X, Y, and Z) of object points®. The program can also compute height differences
along cross-sectional profiles which are perpendicular to the axes of tilt, as well as facet slopes,
area, and volume. The program is designed for use in a Hewlett-Packard HP9830A program-
mable calculator. In addition to the above numerical parameters, the program can also plot the
cross-section profiles and the horizontal position of the object points.
Both the stereoplotting instrument and the computer program developed by Boyd are based
on the following equation:
X Xz (31)
* tano ” sin da
where Z, is the height difference between two object points measured in a direction normal to
the less tilted photo, which is designated as the left photo, X, is the distance between the two
corresponding image points on the left photo and is measured along a direction perpendicular
to the tilt axis, X, is the corresponding distance measured on the more tilted photo which is
designated as the right photo, and Aa is the difference in the tilt angle of the specimen when
the two photos are taken.
Equation 31 is derived using the principle of parallel projection. Although the geometry of
the SEM images is basically a central perspective projection, the error introduced by the
assumption of a parallel projection is relatively minor when the magnification is 1000X or
higher. However, equation 31 has one severe limitation that was not fully recognized in
Boyd's publications. This equation is valid only ifthe “left” photo has a tilt angle of 0 degrees.
If the tilt angle of the “left” photo is not 0 degrees, then the value of Z;, computed from
equation 31 would not represent the height difference normal to the plane of the left photo.
More specifically, Z;, would not be measured in a direction normal to the plane in which X, is
A more general equation which expresses Z; as a function of the tilt angle of the left photo
can be easily derived from the geometry of parallel projection. The following expressions can
be derived directly from Figure 8:
1 £
Fic. 8. Parallel projection of SEM images.