for a nearly distortion-free lens (Topogon
with ancillary lens and a maximum distortion
of about 5 um) to + 0.2 mm for the Planar 1:
2.8/80 mm lens (maximum distortion about
0.4 mm). The definition and the reproduci-
bility of the principal point of symmetry
should not cause any problems in a pre-
calibrated camera as the tolerances are con-
sequently rather large.
The investigations have shown that the
tolerances for the parameters of inner orien-
tation are not uniform and that they depend
on various factors. Especially for long focal
lengths the tolerances are very large and it
seems possible that these values could be
met even by non-metric cameras. In a photo-
graphic camera the position of the image
plane is defined by optical conditions. If the
photographic material deviates from its pre-
scribed position, then the image quality
might deteriorate. For the estimation of tol-
erances again the circle of confusion can
similarly be used as for determination of the
depth of focus. For this computation the
largest possible aperture stop should be
taken into account. For the Hasselblad cam-
era with the Planar 1 : 2.8/80 mm lens a circle
of confusion of 30 um is already reached by
a displacement of the image plane of 84 um
for the aperture of 1:2.8. In this case an
object point at the nominal focusing distance
would be out of focus. From a statistical point
of view this deviation should not be reached
in 95 per cent or even 99 per cent of the cases.
The calculated tolerances for the principal
distance have been standard errors (with a
significance level of 68 per cent). Conse-
quently, the standard error for the position-
ing of the picture plane should be only one-
half or even one-third of the computed tol-
erance: that means + 30 to = 40 um.
A positioning error of the image plane in
general also will affect the location of the
principal point (see Figure 5). With some
simplifications the displacement of the prin-
cipal point can be computed. For the deriva-
tion of a mathematical relation it is assumed
that the photographic material is completely
flat and pressed with its edge against the
frame of the camera. Due to imperfections of
the contact surface the plate has a varying
distance (Ad,,Ad;) to the upper and lower
edge of the camera. From these differential
values the error of the principal point and the
principal distance can be computed.
Ac = Ady + Adi
AH = € (Ad, - Ad) (3)
The distance between the two contact
points is s and should coincide with the
diagonal of the plate format. For the compu-
tation of the variances the differential values
Ad, and Ad, have to be replaced by their
standard deviation mg. According to the law
of error propagation one gets the following
m, TA my = s 7 (A)
my = 2: me (5)
The computation becomes more complex
if itis taken into account that the film or plate
in the camera does not form a plane but has
the shape ofa cylinder or an arbitrary, higher-
order surface. Therefore the formula can give
only a rough approximation and indicates a
certain ratio between the reproducibility of
the principal point and the principal dis-
tance. For the Hasselblad camera equipped
with the Planar 1:2.8/80 lens one would ex-
pect an accuracy ofthe principal point of + 60
to + 80 um according to the assumed vari-
ance of the principal distance of + 30 to + 40
um. This computation coincides fairly well
with the practical experiences in camera cali-
bration*$ (see Table 1, Columns 5,8). The
d gi ul, wd
ada | "mam En Lal i ; L : J
bec rp wow adi
——L 5 a
pue mm V
Fue ET au
| NE
i= s >
Fic. 5. Falsification of the principal point and
the principal distance by an erroneous position-
ing of the photo plate (AH, Ac errors of the
principal point and the principal distance; Ad,,
Ad, displacement of the edge of the plate from
the camera frame, and a tilt of the plate).