was inserted in the wall of the test section, opposite the window. This grid provided the
information needed to correct systematic errors introduced by the observation window and by
the beam splitter attachment. It also offered the necessary control for the analytical relative
and absolute orientation procedure». The effect of the convergence of the stereo images,
resulting from the orientation of the outer mirrors of the beam splitter attachment, was
corrected during the relative orientation. It was therefore not necessary to calibrate the
orientation of the mirrors prior to the photography.
The camera used in this application had been built at the NRC laboratories for close-range
application. Its principal distance is 340 mm and it is permanently focussed at the same
distance, which results in a photo scale of 1:1. Although this camera can be considered to be a
metric camera, the particular arrangement of this test, including the use of the reference grid,
would have permitted the use of a non-metric camera.
Based on the grid measurements, the standard error ofthe photogrammetrically determined
coordinates was estimated to be 0.06 mm. Based on this result, the photogrammetric method
was judged to be sufficiently precise to measure the three components of the particle velocity
in axial, lateral, and transversal directions.
Two Graflex press cameras were used for photogrammetric determination of three-
dimensional flow patterns in water tunnel experiments at NRC's National Aeronautical
Establishment. In order to provide the necessary means for self-calibration ofthe cameras and
for correcting distortions caused by the observation' window and by the water, two regularly
spaced grids were used throughout the experiments (Figure 8).
One ofthese grids was located on the back wall ofthe tank and the other on the inside ofthe
observation window at the water-glass interface at a distance of 25 cm from each other. Since
both grids were in contact with the body of water in the tunnel, it was possible to determine, in
each individual exposure, the equivalent principal distance of the cameras for the water
medium and to reconstruct the bundle of projecting light rays within the tunnel.
The flow in the tunnel was made visible in the photographs by illuminating tracer particles
with a stroboscopic light source. A frequency of 120 cycles/sec was found to give a satisfactory
spacing of the particle images for the speed of flow in the tunnel which, during the experi-
ment, was 25 cm/sec. The time base of the stroboscope served to calculate particle velocities
from the photogrammetrically determined particle coordinates. The cameras were oriented
with their optical axes normal to the observation window. The distance between each camera
and this window was 2.1 m, resulting in a photo scale of 1:12. The distance between the two
cameras was 50 cm.
The photographs were measured on a Zeiss Jena Stereocomparator 1818; and standard
programs for relative and absolute orientation, developed for aerial photogrammetry, were
used for calculating the coordinates of the particle images and the grid points*$. Standard
errors of the photogrammetrically determined grid points were m,,, = 0.2 mm (parallel to the
image plane) and m, ^ 1.3 mm (normal to the image plane). Standard errors ofthe photogram-
metrically determined particle coordinates were calculated from consecutive particle images,
assuming that the particle velocity is constant during the short time interval of 0.1 — 0.2 sec
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—— D
Fic. 8. Watertunnel experiments.