Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 4)

tion to the contouring problem. The brief de- 
scriptions of the various methods are in- 
cluded only to provide continuity. 
Moire techniques of generating elevation 
contours on opaque objects had been dem- 
onstrated over a decade ago.!.3. In its 
simplest form it consists of an amplitude grat- 
ing such as a Ronchi ruling placed close to the 
object, as shown in Figure 1. The combina- 
tion is illuminated by a quasi-point source at 
an angle 6 to the normal ofthe grating surface. 
The observation is made along the normal 
direction. The moiré pattern between the 
projected shadow on the object and the grat- 
ing represents an instantaneous display of 
elevation contours. The contour interval has a 
value given by dh = d/ tan0 where d repre- 
sents the period of the grating. 
During the past several years several mod- 
ifications to this basic method have been 
proposed and demonstrated. Some of the sig- 
nificant and modifications are listed in this 
paper, and the reader is referred to the refer- 
ences for additional information. The con- 
trast ofthe moiré fringes obtained by the sim- 
ple system described above greatly depends 
on the contrast of the grating and the pro- 
jected shadow, the distance between the ob- 
ject surface and the grating, and the nature of 
the illumination*. One ofthe simplest of ways 
to improve all these parameters is by forming 
the shadows on the object through a projec- 
tion system. The shadows on the object can 
be formed by either projecting the image of a 
Ronchi ruling on the object or by interfering 
two coherent plane waves on the object. The 
(C RN e 
Fic. l. Moiré contouring. 
shadow on the object in turn is imaged on to 
another Ronchi grating and the resulting 
moiré fringes once again represent elevation 
The carrier frequency patterns due to the 
grating and the shadow often interfere with 
the observation of the contour fringes by in- 
troducing noise terms. This can be avoided 
by first recording the shadow pattern on the 
object and then processing the record sub- 
sequently using an optical system shown in 
Figure 2. The interfering plane waves behind 
the record provide the demodulating refer- 
ence pattern. The contour fringes, which rep- 
resent low spatial frequency information, are 
spatially filtered using the low pass filter 
from other noise terms. 
As stated earlier the contour interval is 
equal to the period of the projected shadow 
pattern when the angle of projection is 45*. 
Hence the resolution ofthe moiré contouring 
method depends on the spatial frequency of 
the projected shadow. For increased resolu- 
tion, the projection and the imaging systems 
must be low f-number systems. This automat- 
ically limits the elevation range since, as the 
f-number ofthe optical system is lowered, the 
depth-of-focus becomes reduced drastically. 
This limitation can be overcome by modify- 
ing the manner of processing the photo- 
graphic record. In this scheme a fringe pat- 
tern is projected on the surface under test by 
two coherent plane waves inclined at an 
angle $. The projected pattern is then re- 
corded on a photographic plate placed at the 
image plane of a recording lens. If 0 is the 
projection angle, the intensity distribution on 
the object can be written as 
I(x,y) =1 + cos gr + h(x) tan0) (1) 
where d is the fringe spacing given by 
d = Mcose, À being the wave length of illu- 
minating radiation. The amplitude transmis- 
sion ofthe photographic record is then given by 
t(x,y) =k(1 + cos 2 (x + h(x) tang) (2) 
where k is a constant of proportionality. The 
photographic plate is then bleached to con- 
vert the amplitude transparency to a phase 
transparency. The amplitude transmittence 
of the plate is now given by 
t(x,y) = exp i(a, cos es (x  h(x) tan89)) (3) 
where a, is a constant representing the 
amplitude of phase relief. Equation 3 can be 
written as

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