Fic. 2. Optical system for eliminating noise.
t(x,y) = e eJ exp i Shin + h(x) tano) (4)
where], (a,) represents the Bessel function of
order n. If the transparency is illuminated by
a plane wave, the diffracted orders are rep-
resented by the corresponding terms of the
series in Equation 4. The order of diffraction
is represented by n. If two collimated beams
illuminate the transparency in such a way
that the nth order and the -nth order beams
interfere with each other, the resulting fringe
pattern can be shown to represent elevation
contours. The contour spacing is given by
ied d
h(x) 2n tan0
When 0 = 45°, the expression for the contour
spacing becomes d/2n instead of d as in the
conventional case. Thus when n = 5 the sen-
sitivity is increased by a factor of 10.
This method of contour generation offers
many advantages over conventional
techniques. Since the first recording is done
with low spatial frequencies, the imaging sys-
tem can operate at large f-numbers, thus in-
creasing the depth-of-field. While the resolu-
tion is proportional to the f-number, the
depth-of-field is proportional to the square of
the f-number. There is no compromise on
resolution of contour spacing since it can be
increased independently at the processing
Elevation contour generation using holo-
graphic interferometry has been accomplished
by the superposition of two holographic re-
cordings on a single photographic plate. The
holographic recordings differ in phase in
such a way that the phase difference corres-
ponding to every point on the object is pro-
portional to the distance of the object point
from the hologram. The interference be-
tween the two reconstructed images of the
hologram produces a fringe pattern repre-
senting the elevation contours of the object.
The different holographic contouring
methods arise because of the various options
available to change the phase between expo-
sures as a function of elevation. The three
significant methods that have been proposed
and demonstrated are the multiple wave-
length method, the multiple source method,
and the multiple index method.
In the multiple wave-length method, the
two exposures are made with two different
wave lengths of light. The angle of the refer-
ence beam in each case is adjusted so as to
make the two spatial carrier frequencies the
same. With a collimated reference beam
there is only a longitudional magnification
due to change in wave length. The longitudi-
nal magnification at every point in turn is
proportional to its distance from the holo-
gram. Hence upon reconstruction with a single
wave length reference beam, the images have
phase differences proportional to the differ-
ential longitudinal magnification. This
phase difference gives rise to a contour fringe
pattern. The contour interval is given by dh
-X Ay|X - X.
In the multiple source method, the holo-
gram is recorded using a single wave length.
Multiple object beams are used to project a
set of fringe surfaces whose normals are
roughly parallel to the direction of observa-
tion. The contour interval is given by dh
= M2 sin 6/2 where 0 is the angle between the
two object beams.
In the multiple index method, the index-
of-refraction of the medium surrounding the
object is changed to provide the phase differ-
ence between exposures. This may be ac-
complished by immersing the object in
liquids or gases of differing indices. The ex-
pression for the contour interval is given by
dh = M2 dn where dn is the change in re-
fractive index.
In all the holographic techniques, it is pos-
sible to make appropriate changes to make
contour generation a real-time process. Some
form of photographic recording technique
must be employed to record the contour