which energy and information are propa-
gated, and that it provides the key to a quan-
titative understanding of resolving power
and accuracy of locating images. Current
theories are developed from the calculation
of the image of a small source by a perfect
optical system of given aperture, as
exemplified by Airy’s calculation of the dif-
fraction pattern, and by the Rayleigh criterion
for the resolution of the images of two incoher-
ent point sources!?.
One of the basic advantages of coherent
radiation is the narrow angular distribution of
emission that is possible, and this im-
mediately suggests the possibility of using
such a coherent beam for defining an axis, or
for use in measuring transverse offsets. Most
lasers will emit with a transverse distribution
which approximates to a fundamental mode
distribution. The distribution of intensity, I,
as a function of the radial distance r from the
axis, may be represented? as
I(r) = 1, exp (-2 r2/w?)
where I, is the maximum intensity at the
center r = 0. I falls to a value of (1/e?) I, at a
distance w from the center (Figure 1). As the
lightbeam propagates, the Gaussian distribu-
tion is unchanged, except in scale, and this is
shown by the change in w as a function of
axial distance z.
If the wavefront is made to converge by a
lens of sufficient aperture and of focal length f,
the light patch converges to a minimum size
in which w has a minimum value
09, — A/n0O (0 small)
where 6 is the angle subtended by w at the
distance z when both w and z tend to infinity
6 = w'/f where w' is the value
of w at the lens.
For 0 = 0.1 and à = 633 nm
2w, = 4 um
Fic. 1. Gaussian distribution of intensity for
coherent radiation.
In some of our past work we have found
that transverse settings can be made to about
one-thousandth of this minimum size, that is,
to about * 4 nm, using a split-field
The Gaussian distribution, strictly, should
be permitted to extend to a very large radius
in the aperture ofthe lens in orderto preserve
the Gaussian distribution at the minimum or
“waist.” In practice, the lens semi-aperture a
is fixed by other considerations, and the scale
of the Gaussian distribution must be chosen as
the best compromise between maximizing
the energy transmitted by the lens and
minimizing the size of the central concentra-
tion in the image.
As an example, it has been calculated5 that
overfilling the lens aperture with a Gaussian
distribution to the extent that w — 1.4 a will
result in a pattern showing rings like the Airy
pattern, and with a central maximum of
nearly the same size as the Airy pattern, in
which the diameter of the first dark ring is
1.22 4/0 — 7.7 um for the value of 0
previously taken.
With coherent light, the problem of making
a measurement of the position of a point
source is capable of treatment in new ways.
As a simple example, we may consider an
optical system which splits an incident
wavefront into two identical parts (by divid-
ing the amplitude at each point at a suitable
beamsplitter) and then causes the two halves
to be mutually inverted before they are re-
combined. Such a system (Figure 2) defines a
geometrical axis of symmetry with respect to
the emerging beams. A ray incident on the
system which does not coincide with this axis
on emerging will appear as two separate rays.
Depending on the focal power in the system,
a number of different possibilities now exist
to make use of interference between the two
separated halves of the original incident
Inverting Interferometer —;
Á Mutually inverted
yf wavefronts ——
/ 7
X d. m
N Di
Incident wavefront — >
Axis of symmetry
Fıc. 2. - An inverting interferometer.