Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 4)

- Temporary storage of data on magnetic tape cassette. tect the 
changes 0 
- When model is complete and accepted: checkplot on Laser Display, wing the 
hard copy for operator, data storage on magnetic tape. lations. 
- Visual check by operator and indication of edits. As sophis 
tal data 
- Checkplot is send to fieldsurveyor as basis for fieldcompletion. correct, 
shall ser 
- Digitising of fieldcompletion data (when necessary). Furthermo 
field che 
- Merging of data. correctio 
used to d 
- Checkplot of final sheet on Laser Display, interactive editing. data base 
- Laser Display hard copy or plottape for flat bed plotter. 
. Applicati 
Mr F Brunnthaler, Dipl ing, has reported a system for semiautoma- Photogram 
tion in photogrammetric mapping under introduction by Hansa Luft- .. ..... o: 1l TT” 
bild, Münster, West Germany, as follows: o with c 
Hansa Luftbild has a new system in operation used for online di- and sp 
gitization of maps or other graphic products, 2-dimensional data, 
with an Instronics Gradicon digitizing table,or of photogrammet- -5 urb 
ric models, 3-dimensional data, with a Zeiss Planicart. The inter- - reg 
active editing of digital cartographic data is a major part of and 
this system. 
- tow 
The digital data manipulation is executed interactively with a - urb 
Tektronix 611 storage display. The computer used for data acqui- StPO 
sition and manipulation, symbolization and for the production of 
plotter command tapes for automated drawings is a PDP 8e, manu- - inv 
factures by Digital Equipment Corporation. A "digital map" is sto- 
red on the disc unit of the computer and transferred onto 9- e eng 
track, 800 bpi magnetic tape, to be saved for multipurpose use. e - agr 
The system is intended to be used for all topographic applica- - Hyd 
tions where generalization and exaggeration of map details will - top 
not be executed by digital means. In photogrammetric map produc- Sca 
tion, generalization can be avoided, at least to a certain ex- 
tent, by the selection of a suitable photo scale. oO with p 
With other existing hardwired equipment for the collection of di- = aer 
gital data, only those errors which are recognized immediately 
after being recorded can be marked in this workphase. They must - dig 
then be excluded from the digital data in a later computer run. - bou 
On the other hand, the use of a computer in the digitizing phase nea 
allows the operator to recognize and correct many types of errors - pro 
while the photogrammetric model or the map is still oriented in 
the measuring device. Nevertheless various types of errors may 
and will occur, even in online practical digitization, and have Cartograp 
to be corrected. Most of these errors can only be detected by huc |. | . | 1] |. 
man inspection, but not by programs. © o with c 
Interactive editing of digital data, which is displayed as an 7 ava 
analog symbolized map, combines the abilities of people to de- - aer 
- Oth 

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