These new types of graphics are very illustra-
tive and can increase the interest for photo-
grammetry. The possibility of choosing the
orientation of sections, profiles, and contours
is for engineering and industrial purposes
also a means of widening the use of photo-
Although, in practice, the majority of cases
make use of the analogue approach with
graphical output, research and development
efforts are devoted primarily to the analytical
reduction of measured image coordinates, if
one is to judge from the literature in the field.
The availability of computers and the desire
to use non-metric cameras even for accurate
measurements have increased the develop-
ment of analytical methods. The use of the
photogrammetric data for further calcula-
tions, data analysis, data banks, etc., has also
promoted analytical methods. Further de-
velopment in the future towards greater in-
tegration between the photogrammetric data
acquisiton and reduction phases on the one
hand, and the succeeding data analysis on the
other is to be expected. In order to reach this,
close co-operation between photogramme-
trists and consumers is needed. The classical
photogrammetric methods (analoque or ana-
lytical) are not always applicable and require-
ments of potential new consumers are chal-
lenges to all photogrammetrists. We must,
however, not be too ambitious and measure
everything photogrammetrically. There are
other methods and the merits of different ap-
proaches have to be judged so as to optimize
the entire process of which the measurement
often is just a minor component.
The analytical approach can, as mentioned
above, be used in the rather simple case
where interior and exterior orientation are
known, but its advantages and versatility be-
come much more pronounced in the most
general case of photogrammetry in which a
simultaneous solution incorporates the inte-
rior and exterior orientation elements of all
photographs and the space co-ordinates of ob-
ject points, all as unknowns.
The nature of measurements is point-by-
point where mono- or stereocomparators are
used. Depending on the final output re-
quirement this can be more or less conven-
ient. It can happen that the photogrammetric
phase of the job is best solved by analytical
methods but the required result is best
presented in continuous form. In such a case
the techniques of digital modelling, surface
smoothing, prediction and filtering can be ap-
lied. This has been discussed in relation to
non-topographical photogrammetry by Wong
34 and applications are demonstrated for sev-
eral biomedical cases by others?!. 16.17,
By its nature photogrammetry is a versatile
and convenient tool for studying objects in
motion. There are several industrial and civil
engineering examples, most of which belong
to the analytical group. Both mono and stereo
methods can be applied for objects moving
in one, two or three dimensions. The move-
ments can be very slow, e.g., structural de-
formations$-32, They can be rapid, e.g., vehi-
cle studies33, or they may be termed high-
speed, e.g., ballistics, aerodynamics, bubble
More uncommon projections are found in
electron microscopy in that the principal dis-
tances are very long, infinite, or even nega-
tive. Photogrammetry can still be applied but
of course not in the traditonal way. Kratky has
given mathematical solutions.22.23
The accuracy of different close-range
photogrammetric procedures is often deter-
mined by experiment and check measure-
ments. For a large number of more-or-less
standardized methods this has given us expe-
rience and simple rules-of-thumb for judging
the accuracy in a specific case. For other
methods, more sophisticated means are
applied to determine the accuracy of the re-
sults. In some methods a rigorous adjustment
of unknowns also includes the calculation of
standard errors. In other cases, well-surveyed
test fields are used, as in the experiments
performed by Hottier!!-12, For a single
stereomodel and analytical data reduction
he has found a considerable decrease of in-
e when the number of replicated settings
on the same target is three instead of one
(16 per cent decrease),
® when the number of targets defining each
point is three instead of one (30 per cent
decrease), and
e when the number of frames on each sta-
tion is three instead of one (38 per cent
Further, Hottier discusses the optimum
combination of settings, targets and frames as
well as the base-height ratio.
Photogrammetry has been used for a great
many different non-topographical applica-
tions. The range of images goes from electron
microscopes to space cameras. Applications
are found in the most diversified disciplines.
The development of metric camera systems
and evaluation equipment, as well as the in-
creased use of analytical data reduction and