The use of Balplex Plotters in Sweden has decreased during the
last years due to many reasons. One is that official topogra-
phic maps in the scale 1:10 000 and 1:50 000 today cover the
major part of Sweden, giving acceptable topographic informa-
tion for selection of feasible routes. Another reason is that
a lot of other factors apart from topography are of great im-
portance for the selection of feasible routes.
The major part of public road investments is today allocated
to by-pass-roads and improvements of the existing road network.
For by-pass-roads maps are available through city planning of-
fices and for the design of improvements topographic maps in
the scale 1:1 000 or 1:2 000 are being produced without any
prestudy in Balplex Plotter.
The number of Balplex Plotters disposed by the Road Administra-
tion has gradually decreased and is today twenty instruments.
3.5 Map Production
For the detailed adjustment of the proposed road centre line,
a topographic map in the scale 1:2 000 is produced using con-
ventional stereo plotting technique. The maps are supplied with
a coordinate grid and contours with 1 or 2 metre intervals de-
pending on the topography.
At present the following photogrammetric instruments are dispo-
sed by the Road Administration
1 Wild AT0 with EkS8
| Wild A8 with SAAB UE-211 (Swedish-made coordinate printer)
4 Wild A8
20 Balplex Plotters.
The autographs are checked twice a year by grid measurements at
three different Z-values. During the last ten years the standard
errors of unit weight for the A8-projectors have varied between
3,5 - 7,0/m. The corresponding values for the Al0-autograph are
2,5 - 3,7mm (since 1972).
For the orientation of the stereomodels, evaluation of test mea-
surements and model transformations electronic pocket calcula-
tors (Hewlett-Packard mod 45, 65) and desk calculators (Hewlett-
Packard mod 9820) are used.
3.6 Photo Interpretation
In areas with complicated geological formations or bad geotech-
nical conditions a complete photo interpretation of soil boun-
daries and characteristics with estimation of soil depths has
proved to be most useful for the final choice between different
alternatives in the preliminary design. In addition, such inter-
pretations make the final design more efficient through a bet-
ter planning of borings. Finally photo interpretation is useful
for discovering natural construction materials.
During the last years the use of photointerpretation has cons-
tantly increased at the Road Administration. The interpretations