Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 4)

Landscape analysis in highway design is comparatively active. Fig 3 is an 
Combination of digital terrain model and automatic drafting for Survey Co., 
perspective of highway helps a comprehensive evaluation to re- character a 
gional landscape including highway and its surroundings. 
Mr Kengo As 
system to 
Because of lackness of houses due to concentration of population 
into big cities such as Tokyo and Osaka, land development for 
new town is increasingly undergoing, mainly in the hilly or moun- 
taneous area. Great amount of earth works to cut top of mountains 
and fill valliesis required to make terrain flat in the large 
area, for example 300 h.a. (3 sq. km). Average height of earth 
works, that is average difference between proposed height and 
Fig 4 shows 
Further dev 
of simplene 
ground height would be not less than 10 meters around Tokyo Dis- SUMMARY 
tricts. As it will be not believable to European Engineer, one 
typical land development is shown in fig 1. | 9 As Japan is 
Fig 1 shows the aerial photographs in the west part of Tokyo Furope ond 
Districts at two different years, 1965 and 1972, where Tama new neering fie 
town, one of the biggest projects, is partly constructed. design. 
Land evaluation in the planning stage using DTM for land develop- 
ment is quite well applied. Optimum design to determine the pro- 
posed neight which makes quantity of earth works minimum subject 
to balance of cut and fill and allowable flatness of slope, is 
also of great interest because of cost benefit analysis for land 
Land evalue 
In this sen 
tal land in 
As an application of DTM, landscape of the terrain with civil en- 
gineering structures such as highway or bridge is analysed by ( 9 
using computer assisted perspectives. 
Dr Shigeyuki Ohbayashi, Oriental Cunsultant Co., evaluated land- 
scape for the long spanned suspension bridge which will be con- 
structed across the Inland Sea, by using DTM technique and gra- 
phical processing. Fig 2 shows one part of his study. 
Dr Shunji Murai developed software for three dimensional repre- 
sentation of terrain by using dot map system, which is described 
in the preprint of his presented paper. He suggested that dot map 
system will be more flexible than line drafting system in this 
Automated contour mapping using photogrammetry and DTM has been 
experimented by several organizations. Line drafter such as XY = 
plotter has been conventionally utilized though it has limitations ( 0 
to data file structure for contour lines and other symbols inclu- 
ded in the contour map. 

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