Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 4)

/l/ : ASSMUS, E: Extension of Stuttgart Contour Program 
to treating terrain break-lines-theory 
and results'/. 
/2/ | aGLACHUT, T J: Mapping and Photointerpretation System 
Based on Stereo-Orthophotos, NRC 12281, 
Ottawa 1971. 
/3/ . KRAUS, K: A general digital terrain model-theory 
and applications“). 
/^/ KRAUS, K: Die Entzerrung vou Multispektralbildern, 
BuL 43, S 129-134, 1975. 
/5/.. KRAUS, K: Applications of a 4191151 1y-control led 
orthophoto instrument'/. 
/6/  OTEPKA, G and A Computor Program for Digita]ly-Control- 
LOITSCH, J: led Production of Orthophotos!). 
/7/ OTEPKA, G: Practical Experience in the Rectification 
of MSS-Image!). 
/8/  POLZLEITNER, F: Orthophotoherstellung mittels Bildkoordi- 
naten im Universalorthophotosystem, ZfV 
100, S 42-47, 1975. 
/9/ - STANGER, W: The Stuttgart Contour Program - descrip- 
tion and results2). 
/10/ STEWARDSON, P: Ein neues universelles Orthophotosystem, 
Schw.ZfV, Fachblatt 2/74, Juni 1974. 
|) Geowissenschaf tl iche Mitteilungen, Heft 8, Presented Papers of 
the Institute of Photogrammetry Vienna TU, translated into Eng- 
lish by Wild Heerbrugg Ltd. 
^Beitrage in F Ackermann "Numerische Photogrammetrie", Neue Folge, 
Band 5, S 225-284, 1973, translated into English by Wild Heer- 
brugg Ltd. 

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