1. ¥ Two years ago, at the Paris Sympo-
sium of the ISP Commission IV, the founda-
tions were laid of an international inquiry
about the situation of the cartographic revi-
sion in the world. This was mainly due to the
initiative of some outstanding Colleagues
— Dr. Gamble, Chief Eng. Ducher, : Prof.
Krauss, Prof. Van Zuylen — who, . considering
the practical unfeasibility of an international
experimental Essay, suggested to limit our
research to a profound inquiry on the actual
state of the map revision in the world. A spe-
cial Questionnaire ‘had to be prepared and
sent to all concerned people and Agencies.
I must confess that when very willingly
I accepted this sensible proposal, I didn't
realize the difficulties of this undertaking, nor
the hardness of the work to be done, both
from a technical and a practical point of
view. On the other side, I did not even realize
the relevant interest that this subject was to
excite in the whole world of the map makers,
and particularly in the people responsible for
operative cartography. This interest is de-
monstrated by the figures of the following
final balance :
Cartographic Agencies (generally
public Agencies) to which the Ques-
tionnaire was forwarded ........
Countries concerned in the request 54
Cartographic Agencies who have
answered to the Ouestionnaire
Countries concerned in the answer
The detail of this situation is reported
in Enclosure 1. As you can see, the support
we received was really important, both for
quality and quantity ; the answers give a lar-
gely significant statistic sample, which may
throw light on many important subjects. I
am glad to say that this interest has fully
rewarded the work that we all have done, so
in questioning as in answering, and allows us
all to hope that our work was not useless.
2. - Now it is important to operate in such
a way that this most precious harvest of infor-
mation be nor wasted or degraded, not even
in the least part ; that is, that all information
be brought to everyone's knowledge in the
most compact and complete and faithful way.
In fact, a subjective influence may weigh on
the interpretation of the news collected — as
it is necessarily done by a single person —
and therefore it is opportune that it can be
controlled and corrected by anyone, and parti-
cularly by them who have given the answers.
The perfect way to obtain this purpose
was to publish the complete answers as they
reached us ; but. this meant to publish a volu-
me of more than 700 pages, and neither you
gentlemen, nor our beloved President would
never forgive it me. We deemed therefore
opportune to synthetize each answer in only
one page, onto an expressly prepared record ;
and to publish only these pages, about 64 in
total. This abridgement of already compacted
news, like those which are given in an answer
to a questionnaire, was not easy at all; the
conceptual and technical difficulties, the lin-
guistic troubles, the tiranny of space have
obliged us to a real « tour de force ». We are
afraid, alas, that not always we have been
equal to the task, and that not always we
have attained the objects we mentioned abo-
ve ; but we hope that everyone who has coope-
rated in this inquiry will kindly control our
work, and eventually correct and complete it
for a possible second edition.
All the records are collected in Enclo-
sure 3 (*); while in Enclosure 2 we have
reported a blank copy of the Questionnaire,
so that also those who did not receive it may
have an idea of its nature and of the proposed
questions. The subsequence of the records is
in alphabetic order of Countries ; a progressi-
ve figure of two digits is allotted to each Coun-
try, while a third digit distinguishes the Agen-
cies of that Country. Enclosure 1 facilitates
the search and individuation of each answer.
3. - The organization of the records in
Enclosure 3 is easily intelligible by examining
a specimen. The record is subdivided into
three parts :
a) information on the maps produced by
the concerned Agency or Firm. Since we deal
with map revision, it is first necessary to
know what is being revised, as the nature of
the preexisting map obviously has influence
on the whole following speech. So the map
scale and type, the number of colours, the
type of publication, the production procedu-
res, etc., are reported ;
b) information on the actual map revi-
sion done at the Agency. Here is the Question-