Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 4)

positive answers (52 %), and this is very en- 
couraging: spes ultima Dea! Out of these, 
no fewer than 17 (26 %) place their hopes in 
automated revision techniques; 5 (8 %) in 
orthophotos; 4 (6%) in space data; the 
remaining 10 (15%) in the improvement of 
conventional methods and instruments 
(equipments expressly studied for revision on- 
ly ; cost effectiveness reduction of field work 
time ; immediate issue of revised documents ; 
reproduction and printing techniques ; etc.). 
We must say that the research on auto- 
mated revision techniques is considered as 
the most promising one; it is followed at a 
great distance by the research on the use of 
orthophotos for revision, and the use of space- 
craft data and imagery for the same purpose. 
We cannot undervaluate the expectations in 
the sector of the revision by space infor- 
mation: here at Helsinki some extremely in- 
teresting reports on the cartographic use of 
space data are presented, and if you add 
their conclusions with the tremendous inte- 
rest that such an item has particularly for 
some large countries, we must have some 
hope that the future of map revision — at 
least for small and medium scale maps — 
is also in the use of space photos and ima- 
About orthophotos for revision, there is 
a lot of interest in the world, and many peo- 
ple are looking at them as if they were the 
secret weapon which will win all our bat- 
tles. Personally I would like to distinguish 
between orthophotos directly employed to 
make photomaps, and orthophotos just em- 
ployed to pick up the new details in their 
correct position. I am afraid that the se- 
cond mode, which is more suitable for map 
revision, is almost as much expensive as a 
regular photogrammetric plot, both in money 
and time. As for the first mode, there is no 
doubt that it gives great advantages both in 
money and time, but in my opinion the photo- 
map is always a succedaneum of the regular 
map: even a very good and useful succeda- 
neum, however must be substituted as soon 
as possible by the regular map. But maybe 
I am interfering in a field which is not within 
the competence of our WG ; my only sugges- 
tion is to be cautious with orthophotos in- 
tended as a definitive solution of the revision 
7. — Conclusion 
If you compare this Report with the one 
which was presented at the Ottawa Congress 
by the WG on (the) map revision, you will 
see that the progress which the world has 
done in the last four years in this field is not 
enormous. The production of revised maps 
has not increased in a remarkable rate; the 
problems are always the same, and remain 
extremely difficult and of imposing dimen- 
However, to-day there is something which 
we had not in Ottawa. Automated cartogra- 
phic techniques, information from space, 
orthophotos were available long time before 
Ottawa ; but they had not attained the wonder- 
ful development they have to-day, and their 
use for map revision was scarcely mentioned. 
To-day these precious tools are already em- 
ployed in operative map revision, and give 
good results in this first approach. 
Now, they must not be regarded at as a 
panacea for any country and situation: a 
precious warning of the French IGN should 
always be kept in mind, that the revision 
methods must be adapted to the local pro- 
blems, and can even be different in the same 
map sheet. But they give a hope for the future. 
And in my opinion this is the fundamental 
difference with Ottawa : to-day, for the first 
time there is the hope that a solution is pos- 
sible also in the difficult, heavy and unplea- 
sant field of the map revision. 
(Florence, January 1976.) 
(*) N.B. - Due to fund shortage for offset prin 
ting, this copy is lacking of Enclosure 3. Should you 
want it, please write to Mr. Guy DUCHER commis- 
sion IV - President, Institut géographique national, 
2 Avenue Pasteur 94160 - St-Mandé FRANCE. À copy 
will be sent to you kindly. 
N.B. - Etant donné des restrictions dans les fonds 
disponibles, cet exemplaire est dépourvu de l'an- 
nexe 3. Au cas oü vous le désireriez absolument, nous 
vous demandons d'écrire à Monsieur Guy Ducher, 
Président de la Commission IV, Institut géographi- 
que national, 2 Avenue Pasteur - 94160 St-Mandé - 
France. Un exemplaire vous sera adressé gracieu- 
(*) — Birardi, G. — Réalisation d'un ortho- 
projecteur simplifié destiné à la révision, et premiers 
résultats — Bull. de la Société Frangaise de Photo- 
grammétrie, n? 58, 1975. 
© Société Française de Photogrammétrie. 

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