Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

— to contine.the work connected with terminology, 
— to develop a system of the up —- to - date information 
exchange for photogrammetry, : | 
— to create an atmosphere which would lead to closer coope= 
ration within ISP. 
Our tasks connected with the research development, histori- 
cal and economic aspects require cooperation with all ISP 
Technical Commissions and other organizations using photo- 
3. Communication between National Correspondents and the 
Commission VI Board 
To realize the communication between the National Cor - 
respondents and the Board of Commission VI the system of 
the newaletter was adopted, Up to the present time 5 news- 
letters have been distributed, namely: 
NZ 1, dated November 8, 1974 
2, dated December 8, 1974 
3, dated March 28, 1975 
4, dated May 28, 1975 
5, dated November 12, 1975 
In addition, the President and the Secretary of Commis- 
= ed 
Ho uUo HO | 
sion VI carried on extensive correspondence with various 
members of ISP and also with the ISP Board and with the Con- 
gress Direotor. 
4, Progress in the Activity of Working Groups 
The most active Working Group in Commission VI is W.G. 
VI-l directed by prof.Brandenberger /Canada/. This Group 
has 16 members. According to the resolutions of the XII Con- 
gress in Ottawa W.G. VI-1 concentrates its major efforts on 
the completion and the up-dating of the world-wide invento- : 
ry of photogrammetric education facillities and of the pho- 
togrammetric research activities, Chairman of W.G. VI-1 in 
his activity report mentions that "work in completing speoi- 
fic regional lists of adresses has progressed in a fairly 
satisfactory fashion.... Considerable work remains to be 
done to ‘analyse the once completed inventory on a world- 

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