An accepted definition of "research" is presented.
Its roles with respect to "instructions" and "service"
are discussed, Photogrammetrio research and its place
in the changing world is noted. In view of the above,
organization with proper coordination is emphasized.
Recent trends and areas of photogrammetrio researoh are
identified in three basio categories : Quantitative In-
formation, Qualitative Information and Data Storage E
Display. A comparatively stable pattern in research is
noted and the evils are pointed out. In view of desi -
rable international cooperation in research, it is no-
ted that ISP provides an excellent forum along with the
. United Nations Organization. Financial support in terms
of gifts, grants and contraots are disoussed. The proce-
dures of administering such support are presented.
The problem of manpower with respect to different
phases of research projects is studied. The importance
of cooperative research /both international and inter-
organizational/ and manpower reallocation in steady and
diverse research are discussed.
Finally, the involvement of various types of poli -
tics /grand-, peer- and petty-/ is disoussed. The im -
portance of team-work with capable and dedicated indi-
viduals is pointed out.
Research, considered along there broad categories
can be defined /after the National Science Foundation.