Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

/1963/ of the U.S.A./ as follows: 
BASIC RESEARCH is that in which the primary aim of 
the investigation is a fuller knowledge or understanding 
of the subject matter study rather than a practical app- 
lication of it. 
APPLIED RESEARCH 1s directed toward the practical app- 
lication of knowledge and covers research projects that 
represent investigations directed toward discovery of new 
scientific knowledge and have specific commercial objeoti- 
ves with respect to products or processes. 
DEVELOPMENT is the systematic use of scientific know- 
ledge directed toward the production of useful materials, 
devices, systems or methods, including design and develop- 
ment of prototypes and processes. 
The term RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT /R E D/, as general- 
ly used, is assumed to embrace all three of the above de- 
finitions. The term "Research", in this context, must not 
be confused with "Operations Research" /also known as "Ope- 
rational Research" or "Management Sciences"/, the essen - 
tial characteristics of which are /see Thierauf and Kle- 
kamp, 1975/: 
l. Examine functional relationships from a systems 
overview; | 
2. Utilize the interdisciplinary or mixed-team ap- 
3. Adopt the planned approach /updated scientific 
method/; and 
4. Uncover new problems for study. 
Of course, fundamentally, Research and Development 
continue to stay in the methods of Operations Research 
as well. None-the-less, the policy makers must act along 
the operation research lines. 
For the purpose of convenience in, at least, the u- 
niversity set-up one charaterizes certain activities as 
Research and others as Instruction However, in a univer- 
sity, the two are closely related. Research is then a 

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