Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

special form of "self-instruction" which one adopts when 
the existing body of knowledge cannot provide satisfacto- 
ry answers to questions or solutions to problems. The in- 
timacy of the connections between research and instruction 
should be most visible at the graduate level of instruc - 
tion where, in a way, both the teacher and the student are 
learners. For the undergraduate, à contact with fundamen- 
tal research oan provide exoitement and motivate him to le- 
arn more although he may not have the background to fully 
appreciate all the details being studied. 
In most university circles, it is believed that it is 
entirely appropriate and Indeed desirable that the coup - 
ling of research and service in the context of teaching- 
learning mission of the university should be encouraged 
and continued, Sometimes, however, questions are raised 
concerning the public service aspect of research. But the- 
se are generally around the appropriateness of individual 
projects and the relative emphasis of the aspect of the or- 
ganization's funotions. 
It was not too many years ago that the principal tool 
in photogrammetrio research was the human eyeball aided 
only by stereo instruments and related hardware. Now the 
pendulum is swung the other way and there are many types 
of equipment with extraordinary capabilities for numerous 
possibilities with heavy use of software also. 
In the world community today, three factors combine 
to give new meaning and importance to the development of 
First, the age of direct, graphical, photogrammetry - 
at least in the classical sense of the term - has largely 
been liquidated, Thus, non- "Advanced" countries /and their 
organizations/, often themselves but recent "graduates" 
from "Dominated" status, are obtaining a degree of scien- 
tific independence and freedom of decision and maneuver, 
which, in a collective sense, is unique in their recent 

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