Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

Second, such developments are both impelled and accom- 
panied by "a revolution of rising expectations". Great ma- 
ny people are being exposed to the highly sophisticated 
concepts and systems. They are becoming actively dissatis- 
fied with the products and performance of their tradition- 
al techniques and are demanding some measure of moderni za- 
tion. It happens that these demands coincide with the ava- 
ilability of skills and technologies necessary to support 
such modernizations. Gradually, therefore, the technologi- 
cal and power gaps which have long separated the "Develop- 
ed" from the "Non-developed" are beginning to narrow. 
Third, such developments are taking place at a time 
when modern communications and competitions have made all 
men uneasy neighbors. 
To be productive with quality, people must speoialize 
and be organized. Eaoh organization generally permits and 
encourages its people to specialize. They have their re — 
cruiting and career-development programs aimed at sharpen- 
ing such specializations. But this also demands interact- 
ions amongst the specialiste —- the problem is organizatio- 
Even if there are good organizational, spatial and mo- 
tivational connections amongst the specialists, they must 
still develop and share one common technical "language" 
and foster a mutual understanding. Organization with pro- 
per coordination is necessary here. Excellent working po- 
licies need to be generated in this respect. 
The complexity is illustrated in Hig.l, drawn with i- 
deas obtained from Morton /1971/. Here, knowledge specia- 
lization is plotted against knowledge development areas. 
Knowledge specjalization is determined by education and 
experience. Knowledge development is divided into three 
parts, viz., Physical Sciences, Technc logies and Appli- 
cations Engineering. Each area is separated from the next 
by à barrier of understanding. These barriers /communica- 

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