Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

the National Societies to prepare publications concerning 
contributions to the history of photogrammetry in their 
countries. Je proposed to issue a seperate volume under 
the common title "National Contributions to the History 
of Photogrammetry". But until now we have received such 
papers only from Hungary and Thailand and some remarks 
from Czechoslovakia. 
Therefore the data from Hungary and Czechoslovakia 
were published tegother with the Papers for the Interna- 
tional Symposium Commission VI /The Stanislaw Staszic Uni- 
versity of Mining and Metallurgy Kraków, May 1975/. The 
paper from Thailand is not published and it Should be in- 
cluded in future in & seperate volume devoted to the his- 
tory of photogrammetry. | 
: Commission Board /Dr.Jachimski and myself/ is still 
very concerned with the idea of collecting national his- 
tories of photogrammetry. We believe that technologies as 
well as the people who have built them up in theory or 
practice are worth being remembered by the younger genera- 
tion. It is really the last call to the most honourable 
Senior Coleagues from all over the world to take this fact 
into consideration. We think that there is no real need to 
write the history with all its aspects right away. It would 
be much easier and very appreciable to start with interes- 
ting memoirs, throwing some light not only on the events 
and circumstances but showing also the authors personal 
opinions and their attitudes towards events and technolo- 
The Working Group VI-3 "Terminology" with Dr.J.Pietsch- 
ner - as chairman is continuing the activities concerning 
the unique photogrammetrio terminology. The main goal has 
been to finish the realization of the multilingual photo- 
grammetrio terminology. As a base for discussion the Ger- 
man Democratic Republic standard national photogrammetric 
symbols and definitions were distributed /March 28. ,1975/ 
among all national reporters of Commission VI. The com - 
ments about this matter are very desirable but they are 

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