dance, this may support some industries but it creates
unnecessary complications in the pursuit of serious and
straightforward research. |
In all the countries, with respect to the utilization
and application of photogrammetry in particular, real po-
wer has resided within formal organizations of gouvern -
ment, Therefore, in the international field, proper coor-
dination can be effective only with the cooperation of the
governments, In & scientific discipline, such. coordination
can be enhanced by the scientific societies, associations
or similar cooperative institutions, which generally can
run only with governmental support /direct or indirect/.
On the other hand, direct government involvement would con-
tain tremendous amount of ‘red tape’ and many noble efforts
may be lost in the geopolitical arena. In this respect,what
is available in the International Society for Photogramme-
try /ISP/ is excellent. Here is an international forum which
functions with the cooperation of practically all the go -
vernments concerned without their direct involvement and
There are, however, two factors.of concern:
a. All countries do not have their national /member/ socie-
ties. Some are represented through the working /govern-
mental/ organizations, while some do not have any repre-
sentation at all. This automatically creates faulty or
no communications. It is oftentimes a hindrance to in-
ternational research and development.
b. Alliance for research between any two countries may rai-
se suspicion unless the matter is broadly open. In this
respect, a multinational forum seems more logical. ISP
or the United Nations Organization /UNO/ are the most
acceptable and ideal bodies for such coordination under
the current situation in world politios.
These days, no noble effort /partioularly research/
can be undertaken without financial support, which comes