Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

an the forms of GIFTS, GRANTS and CONTRACTS. Beyond these, 
of course, are the donated efforts of the dedicated indi - 
viduals, who are prepared to pursue research on their own 
— Of meager proportions. On the other hand, it always adds 
to the three regular forms of support. In the current world 
economy riddled with inflation gifts from private estates 
or individuals for photogrammetrio research are unknown to 
this author. Some private companies support some research 
through gifts that are generally tagged to their business 
interests, Gifts from the government sources come in the 
form of grant - given mainly to non-profit making organi- 
zations, universities in particular. In such grants, furt- 
hermore, one can find a tendency with the sponsors /govern- 
ment organizations/ to come with funding only if some "mat- 
ching fund’ /in cash or kind or service/ is generated wit- 
hin the grantee organization. For example, the National 
Science Foundation of the USA expects contributed matching 
fund from the grantee research group in the form od part 
of the salary of the principal investigator in sny rese - 
aroh spondored under Grant category. 
Fundamental and Basio Research is invariably adminis- 
tered through governmental grants. In this, there is one 
well-known pattern, viz., an interested scientist /or a 
group/ originates an idea, prepares a research proposal 
end next submits that to the government sponser for evalu- 
ation and financial support. 
Assuming that people recognize the importance of in- 
ternationally cooperative research in photogrammetry, it 
will be highly desirable if support in the form of research 
grant could be generated under the auspices of the UNO and 
administered through the ISP. 
Applied and Developmental Research is better handled 
through contracts, coordination of which is complex.In the 
USA and most of the Western countries, such contracts are 
administered in four phases, viz.: 
l. A government /ie., sponsor/ scientist/engineer files a 
Procurement Request for Research E Development services 
+ is 

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