Non-topographic applications of photogrammetry and the basic complications
in them are identified. The general working systems and the impact of
computer technology is presented. The role of management and the Value-
Engineering approach are discussed. Cost-effectiveness ideas including
the major cost categories are presented. More attention to education and
research in this direction is advocated.
Les applications non-topographiques de la photogrammétrie et leurs compli-
cations fondamentales sont identifiées. Les systèmes générals des opéra-
tions et l'impact de la Technologie de l'Crdinateur sont présentés. Le
rôle de l'administration et l'approche de "Value-Engineering' sont dis-
cutés. Les idées de l'efficacité du coût est les catégories majeures du
coût sont présentés. Plus d'attention dans l'education et recherche vers
cette direction est recommandés.
denen Schwierigkeiten werden aufgezeigt. Die im allgemeinen verwendeten
Bearbeitungssystem: und der Einfluß der Computertechnologie auf diese
Aufgaben werden dargesteilt. Die Bedeutung von Management, sowie des
Wirisohat isl pgsnieuns werden besprochen. Schließlich werden Kosteneffi-
zienzüberlegungen einschließlich der wichtigsten Kosten-faktoren darges-
tolit, Mehr Augenmerk in diese Richtung, sowohl in Lehre, wie auch in
der Forschung werden angeraten.
Nichttopographische Anwendungen der Photogrammetrie und die damit verbun-
Photogrammetry, providing a non-contact remote sensing and measuring
process, can be instantaneous if necessary and almost unlimited in its
applications. It was just by chance that photogrammetry has been rather
extensively used in topographical mapping for the last several decades.
It is only recently that its importance has been felt in other fields of
Science and engineering.
The last two decades have not oniy given the photogrammetrist new
platforms, new tools and new space worlds to measure and map, but have
challenged him to apply his technique to newer problems in unforeseen
areas and circumstances such as were considered generally impossible a
few years ago. People realize and recognize that photogrammetry has yet
much to offer. We have already witnessed its use not only on mapping
heavenly bodies like the moon but also on mapping ultra-microscopic ob-
jects like a human blood cell. The principal attraction of this techni-
que in non-topographic applications is iu the fact that the data acquisi-
tion can be performed in a short time with minimum disruption to other
work. Oftentimes, however, the need for quick results and costs may hin-
der its adoption. Herein lies the importance of the economic aspects.
The fields of non-topographic applications being very extensive and
macro-range applications being restricted to few governmental agencies,it
will be pertinent for us to concentrate on the close-range and micro-range
applications, where public interest seems to grow very steadily.