applications. Thus, a new research philosophy and related policy needs
to be set forth in order to yield a better cost-effectiveness pattern
than that of the uncoordinated and somewhat confused research activities.
Such a new research policy must be directed towards solving some of the
world's urgent problems such as air and water pollution, crime detection
and prevention, bio-medical complications, etc. An intensive planning is
necessary at national and international (eg., UNO) levels to exploit the
full potentials of photogrammetry to fulfill its task in the framework of
an efficient economic and technical development/advancement of the world.
Decisions concerning the utilization of the end product of photogram-
metry are oftentimes economic rather than technical. Persons handling
the problems of utilization should know the potentials of the product,
the extent to which cost-effectiveness is favorable, and also other in-
fluences like the degree of competition. They must have the ability to
assist the potential customer/user in defining their problems and requ-
irements, and to present the benefits of new technologies. The scientist
concerned with the inventive and innovative aspects of advanced technolo-
gy oftentimes is not familiar with the socio-economic forces. This has
been particularly so in the world of photogrammetry. It will be pleasing
to see a positive trend.
1. Wong, Kam W.; Mathematical Formulation and Digital Analysis in Close-
Range Photogrammetry, 1975; Photogrammetric Engineering,vol 41,
no. 11; pp 1355-1373.
2. Ghosh, Sanjib K.; Photogrammetric Research: Organization, Coordination
and Policies, 1976; Invited Paper, ISP Commission VI, XIII Con-
gress, Helsinki; 9 pp.
3. Hitch, Charles J. and McKean, Roland N.; The Economics of Defence in
the Nuclear Age, 1963; Harvard University Press.
4. Klein, Lawrence R.; An Introduction to Econometrics, 1962; Prentice-
Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.; pp 83-125.
5. Morton, J.A.; Organizing for Innovation, 1971; McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
xviii t 171 pp.
6. Seiler, Karl; Introduction to Systems Cost Effectiveness, 1969; Wiley-
Interscience; xii+108 pp.
7. Taylor, F.W.; Principles of Scientific Management, 1910; Harper & Bros
New York, N.Y.; p 140.
8. Mudge, Arthur E.; Value Engineering, 1971; McGraw-Hill Book Co, 286 pp