Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

(ISP Commission VI, Invited paper) 
R.5. Halonen and Seppo Härmälä 
The International Society for Photogrammetry has been founded to 
promote tne science of prohogrammetry in all its forms. It is not 
meant tc be a relief organization, nor would it ever have had the 
reauired financial resources. 
Photogrammetry 1s to a great extent an applied science. Corre- 
spondingly, only a relatively limited share of the research work 
carried out in this field is purely theoretical. Generally photo- 
grammetric research always has a definite objective which it pur- 
sues in a more or less pronounced way. 
Thus it 1s no longer easy to find expedient objectives for research 
work in those countries which were the first to take an interest 
in photogrammetry and which now lead the development of photogram- 
metric research. It might be observed that the objectives of reseanh 
in the different countries are becoming increasingly academic and 
that the results of research are eventually being applied to 
solving problems not found in these countries but having a wider 
bearing, often concerning mapping in the developing countries. 
What has been said above oan be explained by the fact that in exten. 
slve mapping projects covering large areas there is an opportunity 

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