Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

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It is very desirable to assume the final standards at 
an early stage of the work and to uniform the presentation in 
neighbouring countries. Later this will be really difficult 
as has been found out in many countries. 
Most of the developing countries cannot afford big invest- 
ments whereas they have an abundant supply of labour. In ad- 
dition, the salaries are low. Thus the cost of labour in re- 
lation fo investments differs greatly from that in the 
Industrial countries. Moreover, the degree of employment 
should be promoted. One of the main problems is then to give . 
| Some short elementary education in ordver to compensate the 
shortage of equipment. We may not forget that in developed 
countries the strong tendency towards automatization ak 
almost any cost is mainly due to the shortage of labour. 
Developing countries have still another drawback. They cannot 
afford to send several Specialists to the congresses. In most 
cases one delegate has to participate in the worlfod several 
commissions. It is impossible to cover the expert knowledge 
of them all and there is no time avallable to find out the most 
important occasions of different commissions. Therefore some 
introductory study would be needed in order to take full 
advantage of a congress. 
The aforementioned reasons led to an intention tc arrange 
a precongress seminar in Finland. The purpose of the seminar 
was to deal with the papers sent in advance to the congress 
and to concentrate upon the aspects of this paper. Unfortunately, 

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