Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

sity of Mining and Metallurgy in Krakéw, Poland. The Sym- 
posium was supported by the Polish Society of Photogram = 
metry. The Symposium was attended by 70 participants from 
13.countries, among them several officials from the Inter- 
hational Society of Photogrammetry including Dr.5. Gamble 
President of ISP, Mr. G.C.Tewinkel, the first vice-Presi- 
dent of ISP and Prof.A.J.van der Weele —treasurer of ISP, 
as well as prominent collegues from Europe and such dis - 
tant countries as USA and Canada. 20 papers and 5 communi- 
cants from 16 countries were presented. The official lan- 
guage at the Symposium was English but Polish participants 
could list to the papers and discussions in Polish/through 
symultaneous translation/. | 
Te had four technical sessions-two sessions were de- 
dicated to education and research and were conducted by 
Dr.Gamble and Prof.Brandenberger. The emphasis was put on. 
photogrammetric education in the developing countries. A 
special emphasis was put on the Photogrammetric Education: 
in Africa. The trnds in Photogrammetric Education and Re- 
search in USA, Australia and USSR were presented. Interes- 
ng problems like: what should be taught and demands for 
handbooks as difficulties in teaching photogrammetry were 
The third session covered economic and historical 
problems. The fourth session was connected with bibliogra- 
phy and terminology and then, the "Report on ITC-ISP Pho- 
togrammetric Bibliography" of Mr.H.L.Rogge was presented 
by prof.van der Weele and the participants could get fa- 
miliarized with "The ITC International Bibliography of 
Photogrammetry /IBP/ /Photogrammetric Abstracts/ and the 
Universal Decimal Classification /UDC/ as Applied to the 
IBP" prepared by N.J. Ventink with an introduction by H.L. 
Rogge. Published by ITC, Enschede, Spring 1975. During 
this session Dr.Dénés Csatkaı - the S:cretary of Commis- 
sion III FIG presented the "Report of the Inter-Associa- 
tion Bibliography Commission" /Commission Inter Associa- 
tions de Bibliographie —- CIAR/. 
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