rather limited, as éolleagues from other countries cannot
read too many national periodicals. Thus, this solution
might promote national selfconsciousness, however, it is
certainly not the best from the viewpoint of the ISP.
Therefore, the ISP should promote regional internatio-
nal periodicals. As an example, it is proposed that two
be established, one for east and one for west Europe.
The West European Periodocal could be trillingual. It
should replace the existing national photogrammetric perio-
dicals. It must be so attractive that at least all members
of the national photogrammetric societies of that region
will be subscribers.
Tor tackling the problem of publishing lengthy papers
we should learn from other fields and adopt a system which
is applied, for instance, in periodicals of chemistry: hard-
ly any paper is printed in full length but just as a synop-
sis, covering one or two pages. The publisher offers for
each contribution Xerox prints in full length; interested
readers order for it.
Final Remark
The author is not as optimistio as to believe that neit-
her editors nor national photogrammetric bodies will agree
immediately to this proposal for photogrammetrio periodi-
cals on a regional international basis. He is convinced,
however, that facts will leave no other chance for the
/1/ Ansorge, W., Studie zur Situation der wissenschaftlichen
Literatur heute, Arbeitsgemeinschaft wissenschaftlicher
Literatur, Stuttgart 1975