Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

CIAB is a Commission in which the following associa- 
tions and societes are represented: International Society 
of Photogrammetry, International Geodetic Association, In- 
ternational Federation od Geodesy /FIG/, and Internation - 
nal Association of Cartography. Furthermore, two Panel Dis- 
cussion Sessions took place: during the first one educatio- 
nal problems were discussed and the second, one concerned 
the functions cf professional periodicals in the life of 
Photogrammetrists and their Societies. All discussions we- 
re very successful and fruitful. This meeting gave us the 
opportunity to built up the program for the Congress and 
also helped to bring together the members of our photogram- 
metric fraternity and establish new ties of friendship. 
In Cracow we reactivated an old, but lately neglected 
iscussion on the range of utilization of photogrammetric 
g © 
eriodicals and on the prospects for these periodicals in 
the future. "e are concerned with national periodicals, 
especially though with the expenditure of the range and 
scope of influence of our ISP official journal "Photogram- 
The proceedings of the Symposium /in English/ were dis- 
tributed among the participants and the National Reporters 
of Commission VI in December 1975, as a special volume "Pa- 
pers for the International Symposium Commissæion VI" issued 
by The Stanislaw Staszic University of Mining and Metallur- 
gy, Kraków — May 1975. 
6. Commission Program for the Helsinki Congress 
Hereunder the themes of the working sessions belong- 
ing to the five Working Groups of Commission VI are listed. 
For the forth-coming Congress ten invited papers are prepa- 
red and three panel discussions will take place. 
Session 1: "Terminology and Organization of Production in 
Dr.J.Pietsohner /GDR/: "Proposition ISP definitions of 
term and symbole used in photogrammetry ” /invited paper/ 
Panel discussion: "ISP symbols and terminoLogy for pho- 
togrammetry"/Moderator: Dr.J.Pietschner/ 

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