Trof.R.S.Halonen /Finland/: "The Developing Countries
as an Objective of ISP Activity" /invited paper - pre-
sented by Dipl.Eng. S.Härmäla/
Chief O.R.Coker /Nigeria/ "Photogrammetrio Education
and Research in Developing Countries" /invited paper/
Mr.G.K.Roy /India/: "Analysis of photogrammetric edu-
cation in developing countries"
Session 5: "History and Development of Photogrammetry-Peo-
ple and Technologies”
Eng.M.Albota /Romania/: "Short chronological history
of photogrammetry" /invited paper/
Panel discussion: "Could and should ISP publish a his-
tory of photogrammetry"/Moderator:Dr. T.J,.Blachut —- Ca-
7. Activity of National Societies
A request for information which could be presented be-
fore an international assembly has been sent to all 58 Na-
tional Correspondents of the VI ISP Commission in two cir-
cular letters: N2 A of May the 28th, 1975 and NS 5 of Nov.
the 12th, 1975.
h data were delivered only by fourteen countries.
It has been my intention in this general report to collect
the information about the development in the field of pho-
togrammetry in the ISP member - countries during the period
of 1971 — 1975.
I have been thinking also about the presentation of the
number of hight schools and Universities where photogramme-
try and photointerpretation are taught, the number of stu
dents educated in photogrammetry each year, and also about
the number of graduated students. An up to date list of
handbooks for teaching photogrammetry and photointerpreta-
tion could also be interesting. Journals continuosly pu —
blishing photogrammetric papers and other detailed infor-
mation about the activity of photogrammetric life in the
ISP member countries could give us a general view on the
International Photogrammetric Power. The above mentioned
data /in complete/ are listed in the following table N? 1.