Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

It is a great honour for me to speak before a signifi- 
cant assembly like that of the International Photogramme- 
tric Congress. It was perhaps my contribution to the dis- 
cussion at the Symposium of our Commission in Kraków,which 
might have resulted in presenting the Invited paper on 
"The Education of Photointerpretation and Remote Sensing". 
am sure that in other countries there is a great de- 
al of experience in that branch, but I shall try, with re- 
gard to my long-time pedagogical experience, to solve the 
problems of the education of Photointerpretation and Remo- 
e Sensing from the viewpoint of the school, which has 
started instructing in those disciplines, as a separate 
ject, only recently. I think that there is, at present, 
a great amount of the schools like that all over the world. 
The Photointerpretation and Remote Sensing oan be al- 
ready taken for independant very extensive subjects having 
the infancy left behind. Fermerly, the Photointerpretation 
was usually a part of istruction in the Applied Photogram-— 
o metry, or in other subjects, Geology, Geography and others. 
Many technice! universities have today an independent branch 
of study concerning with the Photointerpretation and Remote 
Sensing which has been extending on base of new information 
and results of the solution of the problems in question. 
The best standard of the instruction in the mentioned 
subjects may be the very detailed syllabus of the Interna- 
tional Institute for Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences -ITC 
or the instructing processes in the countries with the de- 
veloped usage of those subjects, such as Canada, USA and 
USSR. Bat I am afraid that only few Technical Universi - 
ties both in Europe and in other continents have the equi- 
pment - personal and material — of the level to be able to 
o accept and carry out the programme of those Universities 

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