That is why it appears to me as suitable that ISP
might try to involve an institute or a school, and if
need be, also the appropriate Departement of the United
Nations in producing a suitable set of aerial photographs
for the pedagogic purposes. The ISP could support the re-
quests to the institutions in the perticular member count-
ries for giving the necessary photographs. The photographs
should be completed with & detailed description and arran-
ged as a specimen, for example in such a way it is made
in French Manuel de Photointerpretation, so that the stu-
dent gets clear ideas on the particular phenomena and on
the style of the work.
The situation and the possibility of gaining the sat-
telite imagery appers to be far more easy. It is the EROS
Data Center, where the requested picture material is wit-
hin a short time available. Notwithstanding even in that
case it would be suitable to create a series of characte-
ristic photographs which could be of great use for the
education purposes.
The circumstances mentioned are influencing largely
the teaching, which is in many cases limited actually to
basic information only and to encyclopedic presenting of
the principles of both subjects. But at present it does
not seem to be passable even for passive interpreters.
I took the allowance to use that expression which had ap-
peared in the paper presented by prof.Hothmer at the Sym-
posium in Krakôw last year. The paper was concerning the
methods of teaching passive photogrammeters. By that word
the people are meant, who won't do the profession, but
thèy must be well informed about the possibllities of the
subjects given.
I should like also mention a significant problem and
that is the proper professional terminology of the discip-
lines Photointerpretation and Remote Sensing. I suppose
that it is very closely connected with the education. Both
of the subjects have been developing very rapidly and if
it is not worked out appropriate terminólogy in a short