Field meters detect ore bodies or discontinuities in
the subsurface structure by sensing the disruption of the
natural pattern of terrestrial magnetism. Field meters
are being used successfully aboard low-flying airplanes
or afuot, but probably will not be practicable for mine-
ral prospecting from satellites.
It is necessary to point out that the design of remo-
te sensing systems requires the employment of many engine-
ering approximations, comprises, and judgments about when
to approximate and how to compromise. Nevertheless, there
is information in the corresponding literature, to deve-
lop a sensor that has all the requirements for an optimal
device in all parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, in
the final analysis it seems remote sensing is accomplis-
hed best by a system of devices, each contributing its
special information for interpretation and analysis.
From the cartopgraphic point of view, it is needed
to point out the general problem of the remote sensing
cystems, namely their various geometrical properties. Al-
so, in this respect, intensive research is being conducted
to fined the most appropriate parameters for system cor-
rection and precision correction.
Telemetry is the proces by which a measurement of a
quantity is transferred to a remote location to be re-
corded, to be displayed, or to actuate a process. Radio-
frequency /rf/ telemetry utilizes & radiowave type of car-
rier to transmit information from one location to another.
Today, nearly every airoraft, satellite and other types
of platform carry a form of rf telemetry. In the evalua-
tion of the performance of & telemetrio system, the first
step is the generation and reception of data. The second
step is the extraction of useful information from recor-
ded signals. Because of a large variety of telemetry sys-
tems and types of data, large amount of recorded signals