dian sections have produced publications on photogramme-
try, photointerpretation and remote sensing, whioh number
more than 220.
The National Society representing Canada in the ISP
is the "Canadian Institute of Surveing" - CIS, which actu-
ally has 1800 regular members, 350 junior members and 300
associate members. The official organ /journal/ of CIS is
"The Canadian Surveyors" which appears 5 times a year and
has 600 subscribers and covers 62 countries. CIS has se -
veral technical committees among them there are the "Pho-
togremmetry Committee" and the "Remote Sensing Committee",
Chile /Col.Jose Mutis Puccio/
Chilian Society of Photogrammetry has ten titular and
active members at the universities high schools and enter-
prises, They have no special photogrammetric journal but
other technical journals carry articles related to photo-
Om LG and photointerpretation, Text Books used in Chi-
le are based on available international photogrammetric
manuals, which are adapted to the Chilian needs and condi-
tions of work. There are following state photogrammetric
ved: Military Geographical Institute, Navy and Hy-
irographical Institute, Air Force Photogrammetric Survey.
Resources Institute and Institute of Geological
Czechoslovakia /Eng.0.Jerabek/
Photogrammetric Committee in
Czechoslovakia has not
any special photogrammetric journal. The articels conneo-
ted with photogrammetry, photointerpretation and remote
sensing are published in the geodetical yournal: "Geodeti-
cky a Kartograficl ky Obzor". They have three photogramme —
tric handbooks and eight lecturenotes.
Greece /Prof.John Badekas/
In Greece photogrammetry is taught at two Technical
Universities at Rual and Surveing Engineering Departments,
where three or two courses are offered:
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