able to report what is being performed in other tropical countries
as far as resources inventories are concerned and expected that -
anyone can understand the obvious reasons that handicaped such re-
porting task,
We hope that the scope of this Final Report, ilustra-
ted during the Pannel with images and other data can be of some in-
terest for the participants and useful for those seeking for some
kind of tecnology that could solve, in the shortest possible time,
the problem of accomplishing the survey and inventory of their home
natural resources, as we have been in Brazil.
Most of the partidpants of this VIII Congress of Pho-
togrammetry certainly still remember that we proposed for the first
time in Lausanne, 1988, the introduction of Remote Sensing Subjects
in the International Society for Photogrammetry and the first Remo-
te Sensing Working Group was entristed to Brazil.
In Ottawa, during the XII International Congress we
reported the use of Remote Sensors in many countries of the world -
and specially in Brazil.
Today, we are happy to be able to furnish the partici
pants of the VIII International Congress with positive results of
the application of remote sensors in our country, aiming to survey
our resources as soon as we can, if we want to survive to the pre-
sent worldwide economic crises.
Four or five relevant projects are being developed in
Brazil, and some of them will be briefly described in this report -
in an attempt to prouve that Remote Sensing really seems to be the
answer to the problem of surveying and inventorying natural resour-
ces of large areas in a relatively short period of time.
All these projects are derived from a general research
program on the feasible applications of Remote Sensing Technique, -
khown as SERE PROJECT ("Sensoriamento Remoto Project"), which is
being developed in Brazil since 1987, by our Institute for Space Re
search I NP E, with the technical advising of cientists from. the