Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

A 60% side-lap was also planned in many instances, in 
order to provide stereoscopic observation, but not for the whole - 
area due to the cost of such a coverage. 
The RADAM PROJECT was conceived with the purpose of 
performing the recommaissance of the natural potencialities of ap- 
proximately 5. 000. 000 sq.. km. — the Legal Amazon - known much = more 
through the fantastic stories about the legendary river and jungle 
then by the immense value of its natural resources. 
Started in 1971. for an area of. 1. 500 000 sq. km, the 
Project was enlarged to 4 843 000 sq km, schedule to be accomplished 
in 5 years, including the interpretation of data and publication - ® - 
of the respective thematic maps. 
The cyclopic task of mapping the Amazon Basin and the 
Northeastern Brazil, with the application Of. the most. sophysticated 
technique, entirely new, at that time, in the world, became a chal- 
lenge to the capacity of our techniciens, as they had to develop - 
their own metodology, compatible with the time and money available 
in order to survey the potenciality of their resources, presente the 
best suggestions for its exploitation and delineate the areas whose 
ecosystems ought to be preserved. 
Field operations, one of the most important phases of 
the work and undoubtedly the hardest and most dangerous task, is - + -* 
being supported by the Brazilian Air Force whose officers are car- 
rying out the RADAM field party to the most remote places into the 
jungle, aiming to collect rock, soil and vegetation samples and ma 
ke the necessary observations. 
| After this 4 years of uninterrupted activity, an inte 
grated team of specialists in natural resources survey was formed 
and the results of their investigations are being systematically - 
published and extended to those interested in exploiting said re- 

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